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History of Eberron

The Age of Dragons

Unknown to -10000000 YK

In the mythic past, the cosmos was an undifferentiated realm of matter and energy similar in some ways to the present-day Elemental Chaos. The Progenitor wyrms, the first and greatest of dragonkind and the most powerful divine beings of the multiverse ruled over all of this unformed creation. The three most powerful Progenitors—Siberys, Eberron, and Khyber—discovered (or created) the draconic Prophecy that shapes the destiny of all Creation. A world-shattering struggle followed between the three Progenitors, splitting the newborn world into three parts and scattering the Prophecy across the width and breadth of existence. In the end, Siberys became the glowing, yellow ring of solidified arcane energy that surrounds the world, Khyber was bound in its darkest depths, and Eberron healed the surface world between by becoming one with it. Siberys called forth from his own divine essence the first generation of true dragons, the angels, and the couatls. Eberron birthed all of the other known living things, and Khyber spat out the demons and the daelkyr. The race of devils was born during the great conflict between the Progenitors, when some of the angels of Siberys betrayed their father and swore their allegiance to dark Khyber instead.

  • -100000000 YK

    -10000000 YK

    The Progenitor Wyrms
    Era beginning/end

    The beginning

The Age of Demons

-10,000,000 to -100,000 YK

  • -10000000 YK
    World of Fiends
    Era beginning/end

    The Rise of the empire of the Overlords.

  • -1500000 YK

    The Great Dragon-Fiend War Begin
    Military action

    The Dragons rise up against their fiendish masters.

  • -100000 YK

    The Sacrifice of the Couatls
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Couatls make the ultimate sacrifice to emprison the Overlords.

The Age of Giants

-80,000 to -38,000 YK

  • -80000 YK

    -38000 YK

    The Birth of the Giant Nations

    The Titan humanoids rise from the ashes of the Dragon-Fiend war.

  • -60000 YK

    The Golden Age of Xen’drik
    Technological achievement

    The Dragons share their Arcane secrets with the Giants.

  • -40000 YK

    The Quori-Giant War Begins
    Military action

    The empire of Giants abuses the gift given to them to fight the alien invasion of the Quori.

  • -38000
    The Elven Uprising and the Fall of the Giants

    The Giants are punished for their insolence and abuse of power.

The Age of Monsters

-38,000 to -4,000 YK

  • -37000 YK

    -4000 YK

    The Goblin Civilizations Come into Being

    The Goblinoids of Khorvaire begin the work of creating their own empire.

  • -29000 YK

    The Rise of the Orc Nations

    As the goblin civilizations advanced, they were followed by the rise of the first true orc nations in western Khorvaire, in the areas known in later times as the Shadow Marches and the Elderbourne Reaches. These orcish states soon competed with the goblin kingdoms for resources and territory.

  • -24000 YK

    The Formation of the Undying Court and the Start of the Elf-Dragon Wars
    Military action

    The Elves wield power of their own and must contend with the Dragons to maintain their existence.

  • -15000 YK

    The Rise of the Dhakaani Empire

    The Goblinoids solidify their hold on Khorvaire but the Orcs are given powerful gifts by an unlikely source.

  • -11000 YK

    The Exile of the Mror Dwarves
    Political event

    The exiles of the Dwarven clans prove to be the empires salvation.

  • -9000 YK

    The Elven Settlement of the Valaes Tairn Colony

    The warlike Valaes Tairn sect of Aereni elves established a colony on southern Khorvaire in what is now the present-day Kingdom of Valenar some nine millennia before the founding of Galifar. Peaceful coexistence between the elves and the Dhakaani goblins did not last for long and the elves eventually launched a great war with the Dhakaani Empire that ended inconclusively for both sides. The Valaes Tairn elves abandoned their colony to the goblins when another clash with the dragons threatened Aerenal and their scimitars were needed to defend the elven homeland. The number of Valaes Tairn who were needed in Aerenal would have left the colony all but undefended before the advance of the Dhakaani, so the elves simply abandoned it rather than make a hopeless, though glorious, last stand. But the Valaes Tairn promised one day to honor the spirits of their ancestors by returning to Khorvaire.

  • -8000 YK

    The Daelkyr War Begins
    Military action

    The war between the mortals of Khorvaire and the Daelkyr

  • -4000 YK

    The Fall of Dhakaan
    Disaster / Destruction

    The remnants of a great empire doom what's left of their civilization.

The Current Age

-3,900 to Present

  • -3100 YK

    The Great Druid Oalian Awakens
    Life, Birth

    The two-hundred-and-ten-foot-tall greatpine Oalian, the future Great Druid of the Elderbourne Reaches, is awakened to sentience through the primal efforts of the orcish Gatekeepers. Oalian will eventually become the leader of the Warden of the Woods druidic sect in the Reaches but will remain a font of primal wisdom for all of the druidic sects of Eberron

  • -2200 YK

    The First Dragonmarks Appear
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The first dragonmarks appeared among the intelligent races of Khorvaire over three thousand years ago.

    More reading
    Dragonmarked Houses
  • -2100 YK

    -200 YK

    The Founding of Io’vakas and Io’lokar in Argonessen

    A home for the non-dragon slaves was created in Argonessen.

  • -2000 YK

    Lhazaar Begins the Human Migration to Khorvaire
    Population Migration / Travel

    Humans begin the migration to Khorvaire

  • -1974 YK

    The Founding of the City of Sharn

    The magnificent city of Sharn is founded.

  • -1800 YK

    House Sivis is Born

    The bloodlines of sivis are founded.

  • -1600 YK

    The Emergence of House Deneith and the Destruction of House Vol
    Military action

    House Deneith is established and House Vol falls.

  • -1500 YK

    The Extension of Human Settlement on Khorvaire
    Population Migration / Travel

    Human settlements continue spreading into Khorvaire.

  • -1000 YK

    Karrn’s War of Conquest
    Military action

    Karrn the Conquerer uses his military might and connections to carve out his own land.

  • -1000 YK

    The Discovery of Houses Ghallanda, Jorasco and Lyrandar

    Three other houses come to light.

  • -900 YK

    The Birth of House Orien

    House Orien is founded.

  • -802 YK

    The Arrival of Taratai and the Kalashtar on Eberron
    Population Migration / Travel

    The alien Quori once again enter Eberron but through different means and with different results.

  • -800 YK

    The Formation of House Vadalis

    The creation of house Vadalis.

  • -500 YK

    The War of the Mark
    Military action

    Wielders of Aberrant marks are eliminated in the shadows of the kingdom of Galifar.

  • -500 YK

    The Sundering and Conquest of Sarlona Begins
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    More Quori enter Eberron with different intentions from the previous group.

  • -500 YK

    The Founding of House Medani

    The creation of house Medani.

  • -500
    The Sarlonan Migration to Western Khorvaire
    Population Migration / Travel

    The migration of humans to Khorvaire from Sarlona continues.

  • -302 YK

    The Unification of Riedra Under the Inspired
    Political event

    The Inspired rise to power through politics and careful planning.

  • -41 YK

    Galifar ir’Wynarn is Born in Karrnath and the Border Wars Begin
    Life, Birth

    Prince Galifarir’Wynarn, a descendant of Karrn the Conqueror and the future King Galifar I of the nation that also bore his name, is born in the city of Korth in -41 YK, the son of the ruling Warlord of Karrnath.

  • -20 YK

    Galifar ir’Wynarn Ascends the Throne of Karrnath
    Life, Milestone

    Galifar ir’Wynarn became the Warlord of Karrnath after the death of his father shortly before his twenty-first birthday in -20 YK. Following Galifar’s ascent to the throne, he began a massive military build-up in Karrnath aimed at reestablishing Karrn the Conqueror’s empire—and extending beyond it. Galifar’s expansion of the Karrnathi military goes over well with the Karrn aristocracy, who expect to greatly enrich themselves in lands and wealth seized from the rest of the Five Nations.

  • -10 YK

    Galifar Begins to Unite the Five Nations

    The Warlord Galifar ir’Wynarn of Karrnath began his campaign to unite the Five Nations beneath one ruler in -10 YK. On the tenth anniversary of his rise to power in Karrnath, Galifar began a military campaign to build the empire he had long dreamed about. For the next fourteen years (-10 YK to 4 YK), this campaign would rage across centralKhorvaire. During this period, Galifar demonstrated his military genius time and time again, and his five children grew to become his chief lieutenants as each reached the appropriate age.

  • -3 YK

    The Korth Edicts
    Political event

    In the seventh year of his war to unite Khorvaire, Galifar made a deal with the dragonmarked houses of the Five Nations, offering them neutral status and natural economic monopolies in the new united kingdom he was building in exchange for their financial and political support in his campaign to unite the Five Nations under one crown.

  • -2 YK

    The Mark of Finding Appears in the Shadow Marches

    The Mark of Finding appeared among the humans and half-orcs of the Shadow Marches a thousand years ago. For millennia, the Shadow Marches were the domain of the orcs of Khorvaire. It was a land scarred by the ancient conflict with the daelkyr, where the descendants of the first druidic Gatekeepers and those corrupted by the touch of Xoriat continued to battle in the darkness. Five hundred years before the Mark of Finding appeared, in -500 YK, humans had come to the Shadow Marches, refugees from the distant continent of Sarlona who were fleeing the growing power of the Inspired of Riedra in the wake of the Sundering. Though many of the orcish tribes of the Marches met the first waves of human settlers with hostility, a handful of the tribes welcomed these strangers. Over time, this union of cultures produced both the human and orcish Marcher clans of the modern age and the jhorgun’taal: the“children of two bloods” in Orcish, the half-orcs.

  • 1 YK

    The Unification of the Kingdom of Galifar
    Era beginning/end

    Galifar, now proclaimed to be King Galifar I, and his five scions—Prince Cyre, Prince Karrn, Prince Thrane, Princess Aundair, and Prince Brey— officially took control of the unified Five Nations in the name of their father in the first year of theGalifar Calendar. Fourteen years after the war of unification began (the war did not officially conclude until 4 YK because some pockets of resistance took longer to overcome), the Five Nationslaid down their arms and surrendered to Galifar ir’Wynarn. True to his word, Galifar did not come as a conqueror from Karrnath—he proclaimed himself the king of a new kingdom composed of five equal parts.

  • 15 YK

    The Establishment of the Arcane Congress and Arcanix

    King Galifar I established the Arcane Congress in Aundair and specifically tasked it with the pursuit of research in arcane magic and the teaching of magic to new generations of mages, sorcerers, artificers, and magewrights who would produce magical innovations that would improve the lives of all the people of Galifar.

  • 28 YK

    The Galifar-Lhazaar War Begins
    Military action

    The Galifar–Lhazaar War, a decade-long conflict between the Kingdom of Galifar and the pirates and buccaneers of the Lhazaar Principalities.

  • 30 YK

    The Five Nations are Renamed and the City of Sharn is Rebuilt
    Political event

    The Five Nations of Galifar eventually adopted the names of King Galifar I’s royal children and their first governor-princes as their own, becoming Aundair (formerly Thaliost), Cyre (formerly Metrol), Karrnath, Thrane (formerly Daskara), and Breland (formerly Wroat). This change was meant to mirror the united kingdom’s own adoption of the name of its first monarch and founder.

  • 40 YK

    Galifar I Abdicates His Throne in Favor of His Son
    Political event

    At the age of eighty-five winters, King Galifar I abdicated his throne and passed the rulership of the united kingdom he had founded to his oldest remaining son, Prince Cyre ir’Wynarn, the governor-prince of Cyre. This event marked the establishment of an important tradition for the feudal nobility that came to rule Galifar—the eldest of the ruling monarch’s children, regardless of gender, always succeeded to the throne.

  • 53 YK

    The Death of Galifar I
    Life, Death

    King Galifar I, Galifar ir’Wynarn, at last passed away to the Shadowfell thirteen years after handing over the throne of the great kingdom he founded to his son, King Cyre. Galifar, who had died at the age of ninety-eight winters, was buried with great ceremony beneath the great keep he had constructed at Thronehold and his funeral was attended by all the great and the good of Khorvaire, as well as tens of thousands of common Galifarans who wished to pay their respects to the visionary leader whose rule had greatly improved their lives.

  • 106 YK

    House Kundarak is Formally Recognized as One of the Twelve
    Political event

    The dwarven ClanKundarak of the Mror Holds formally became the dragonmarked House Kundarak in charge of much of Khorvaire’s banking and financial transactions with the aid of the gnomes of House Sivis ofZilargo in 106 YK. Kundarak was recognized by the already established dragonmarked houses as the newest member of the Twelve (though only ten houses existed at this point in time).

  • 299 YK

    The Birth of the Church of the Silver Flame
    Religious event

    The Church of the Silver Flame was born in the nation of Thrane in 299 YK. In that year, a terrible eruption split the ground of that kingdom in what is now the city of Flamekeep and a great pillar of crimson fire emerged from the resulting chasm. No one understood the significance of the blazing column of flame, but most who dared approach it felt unrelenting malevolence in its fierce, radiating heat. A cataclysm of untold proportions had befallen Khorvaire: one of the rakasha rajahs, a fiendish Overlord, had managed to break the magical bonds long ago placed upon it by the sacrifice of the couatl race and free itself from its arcane imprisonment deep in Khyber.

  • 347 YK

    House Lyrandar Establishes Stormhome

    The Khoravar dragonmarked House Lyrandar took possession of an island off the northern coast of Khorvaire with the permission of the Galifaran Crown and Aundair’s regional authorities to create Stormhome, the City of Escapes, the seat of their house.

  • 498 YK

    House Tharaskh is Founded in the Shadow Marches

    The Mark of Finding’s human and half-orc clan leaders were cunning and capable, the House Sivis emissaries who discovered these tribes and had accompanied the Zil expedition were intent on working with the Marchers, not exploiting them.

  • 512 YK

    The Construction of the Starpeaks Observatory
    Construction beginning/end

    King Daroon of Galifar ordered the construction of the famed Starpeaks Observatory early in the sixth century YK. Located high in the Starpeaks, a mountain chain in northern Aundair, the Starpeaks Observatory was constructed in this year. Daroon became fascinated with the practice of charting the moons and stars, especially with the idea that these charts could provide signs and portents for the future as a part of the draconic Prophecy. Daroon had the observatory built, but he died before construction was completed. Today the Arcane Congress uses the place to study the moons and stars and a gigantic, magical orrery representing the motion of the planes and the moons of Eberron is maintained within.

  • 778 YK

    The Medusas Come to Cazhaak Draal
    Population Migration / Travel

    Medusas from Khyber took possession of the ruins of the ancient Dhakaani city of Cazhaak Draal in what is now the independent nation of Droaam in western Khorvaire, where they restored the city to a semblance of life. The medusas were led by one of their kind named Sheshka, who became known as the Queen of Stone.

  • 789 YK

    House Sivis Opens Continent-Wide Arcane Communications
    Technological achievement

    The gnomes of Zilargo who carried the Mark of Scribingoffered a variety of services relating to communication, from magically notarizing documents to sending short messages rapidly over long distances by means of an arcane sending. Written or verbal messages could also be sent across longer distances through the use of what the house called message stations.

  • 797 YK

    Mordain the Fleshweaver is Excoriated From House Phiarlan

    The elven wizard Mordaind’Phiarlan was one of the most skilled wizards ever to have been trained by the Twelve. But Mordain proved to be ruthless and utterly amoral, concerned only with expanding his arcane knowledge and pursuing research into the forbidden magical arts of the daelkyr, for the elven mage was consumed with the ambition to create new forms of life as the lords of Xoriat had done.

  • 802 YK

    The City of Stormreach is Established in Xen’drik

    The Kingdom of Galifar, in cooperation with the dragonmarked houses, funded the upgrade of the trade city of Stormreach on the northern peninsula of Xen’drik in 802 YK.

  • 811 YK

    845 YK

    Lightning Rail Service Between the Cities of the Five Kingdoms Begins
    Technological achievement

    Orien took on a lucrative royal commission that seemed like little more than a dream at the time: to connect Galifar’s cities with high-speed transport that would allow people and cargo to travel across the kingdom in a matter of days.

  • 832 YK

    880 YK

    The Start of the Silver Purge
    Military action

    The inquisition to wipe out lycanthropes, known as the Silver Purge, was launched by the Church of the Silver Flame across western Khorvaire and ended in the Eldeen Reaches where the lycanthropic infestation had grown the most dangerous; the Purge lasted fifty years and drove the natural as well as afflicted members of the shapeshifting species almost to extinction, catching up many innocent shifters in the murderous passions of the inquisitors.

  • 845 YK

    The Publication of Deviant Celestia
    Scientific achievement

    Eberron’s cosmology is complex, subtle, and at times an utterly mystifying tapestry of relationships. Planar connections wax and wane in a dance so intricate that only the most rigorous academic can accurately track and predict its effect on the world—and not without complicated equations that would frustrate some archmages. Such complexity is bound to breed surprises.

  • 873 YK

    First Sighting of Mordain the Fleshweaver’s Blackroot Tower in Droaam

    The first confirmed sighting of Blackroot—Mordain the Fleshweaver’s new tower—occurred in 873 YK. In the heat of the Silver Purge against the lycanthropes of Khorvaire, a troop of Aundairian templars of the Silver Flame pursued a few werewolves far to the south of modern Aundair. Weeks later, another patrol encountered a lone survivor, half-mad and delirious. He spoke of a tower “with blackened, leathery walls, twisted as the limb of a dragon reaching up to grasp the sun.”

  • 890 YK

    The Omaren Revolt is Put Down in Stormreach
    Military action

    In 890 YK the Storm Lord Castal Omaren attempted to eliminate the other Storm Lords and seize sole control of the city of Stormreach in northern Xen’drik. The coup d’etat failed because Castal Omaren massively underestimated the Stormreach Guard’s loyalty to the dwarven Storm Lord Yorrik Amanatu, who used the Guard to stop the coup. After Castal Omaren was killed by Amanatu in putting down the coup, the Omaren family was allowed to retain its lordship over the city but was forced to make major reparations to the other four Storm Lords and to operate under a set of strict penalties which remain in effect to this day. However, the new Omaren lord and his descendants were deeply subservient to the rest of the Storm Lords’ council.

  • 894 YK

    The Last War Begins
    Era beginning/end

    King Jarot ir’Wynarn, the last ruler of Galifar, died in 894 YK. PrinceThalin of Thrane, Prince Kaius of Karrnath, and Princess Wroann of Breland unexpectedly rejected the rightful succession of Princess Mishann, the governor of Cyre and the eldest child of King Jarot, to the throne of Galifar. In contrast, Prince Wrogar of Aundair backed his sister’s claim to the Galifaran Crown because of a promise that King Jarot exacted from his son on his deathbed, and the Last War began as Thrane, Karrnath, and Breland mobilized their relatively small militaries to prevent Mishann from being crowned Queen of Galifar at Thronehold. When it became clear that no negotiated end to the crisis was possible, each of the contending princes declared themselves to be the king or queen of their respective nations. Thronehold was abandoned and the Kingdom of Galifar dissolved into the vicious civil strife that will last for more than a century and will be known as the Last War.

  • 896 YK

    The Establishment of the Order of the Emerald Claw

    The knightly Order of the Emerald Claw was established two years after the start of the Last War at the behest of the Lich Queen Vol (and named after her father, the green dragon known as the Emerald Claw). The order was intended to serve as the military arm of the Blood of Vol religion that had already managed to gain enormous influence in Karrnath at the expense of the faith of the Sovereign Host. The knights of the Emerald Claw often went on missions during the Last War against Karrnath’s enemies in Thrane and Aundair, and became especially hated by the Thranes and the templars of the Church of the Silver Flame for their use of Karrnathi undead and other intelligent undead loyal to the Blood of Vol. For Karrnath’s enemies, there came to be little separation in their minds between the Emerald Claw and the Karrnathi Crown, as the Order of the Emerald Claw’s actual ties as the military arm of the Blood of Vol was unknown to any outside the highest levels of the organization and the order was made up overwhelmingly of noble-born Karrns who were converts to the Blood of Vol. King Kaius I, desperate to shore up his nation’s defenses during the Last War, agreed to give prominent positions in his kingdom to the leaders of the Order of the Emerald Claw.

  • 897 YK

    Kaius I Allies Karrnath with the Blood of Vol
    Political event

    Kaius ir’Wynarn, King Kaius I of Karrnath, was turned into a vampire by the Lich Queen Vol in 897 YK as part of the price she required for her aid in preventing Karrnath’s fall to its enemies in the opening years of the Last War. When the Last War was in full swing, Kaius I was approached by priests of the Blood of Vol. These priests promised to aid Karrnath against its enemies, provided Kaius agreed to a few “minor” considerations. With Cyre and Thrane pounding on his borders, an outbreak of plague and famine that weakened his population, and a breakdown in diplomatic relations that left Karrnath temporarily without allies, Kaius agreed to whatever terms the priests had—so long as he was provided with the means to repel the invaders.

  • 910 YK

    Kaius II Comes to Power in Karrnath
    Political event

    King Kaius II ascended to the throne of Karrnath after his father, Kaius I, faked his own death to go in search of a way to free his kingdom from the grip of the Blood of Vol. Kaius I had learned that the Lich Queen, Erandis d’Vol, intended to use the chaos of the Last War to turn Karrnath into her own private domain from which she could carry out her plans for genocidal revenge against the elves of Aerenal and the dragons of Argonessen.

  • 914 YK

    The Theocracy of Thrane Established
    Political event

    King Thalin of Thrane died in 914 YK and the Church of the Silver Flame seized control of the kingdom at the insistence of the Thrane populace, who had been driven into a nationalistic and religious furor by their late king’s dream of using the Last War to spread the faith of the Silver Flame across the entire continent of Khorvaire. The Church reluctantly established a theocracy in Flamekeep, the capital city of Thrane, ruled by the Keeper of the Flame and the Diet of Cardinals.

  • 914 YK

    The Mror Holds Declare Independence

    The dwarves of the Mror Holds declared the nation’s independence from Karrnath in 914 YK, which was viewed as a terrible stab in the back of the human kingdom in the Karrn capital city of Korth. Relations between the Holds and Karrnath remained frosty and tense for decades afterwards. The independence of the Holds lead the Aurum, a secret dwarven organization dedicated to controlling the wealth and commerce of Khorvarien society, to begin recruiting members from across the continent.

  • 918 YK

    The Destruction of Sharn’s Glass Tower
    Disaster / Destruction

    Unknown saboteurs destroyed the famed Glass Tower of Sharn, once the largest tower ever erected in Khorvaire’s greatest city. While Sharn was never directly besieged during the Last War, sabotage by one of Breland’s enemies was a constant threat. The most devastating event of the war for Sharn occurred on Olarune 9, 918 YK. A team of wizards working for an unknown patron dispelled the enchantments supporting the Glass Tower, one of the city’s oldest floating citadels, which crashed to the ground, killing thousands of people both in the tower and below it on the city’s streets.