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Galifar Begins to Unite the Five Nations


The Warlord Galifar ir’Wynarn of Karrnath began his campaign to unite the Five Nations beneath one ruler in -10 YK. On the tenth anniversary of his rise to power in Karrnath, Galifar began a military campaign to build the empire he had long dreamed about. For the next fourteen years (-10 YK to 4 YK), this campaign would rage across centralKhorvaire. During this period, Galifar demonstrated his military genius time and time again, and his five children grew to become his chief lieutenants as each reached the appropriate age.

The Warlord Galifar ir’Wynarn of Karrnath began his campaign to unite the Five Nations beneath one ruler in -10 YK. On the tenth anniversary of his rise to power in Karrnath, Galifar began a military campaign to build the empire he had long dreamed about. For the next fourteen years (-10 YK to 4 YK), this campaign would rage across centralKhorvaire. During this period, Galifar demonstrated his military genius time and time again, and his five children grew to become his chief lieutenants as each reached the appropriate age. While Galifarand his Karrnathi forces did not win every battle in the war to establish the united kingdom, they did win the most important ones. Over the course of the war, the warlord-who-would-be-king made two influential diplomatic ploys that helped ensure his eventual victory. The first was to take the dragonmarked houses out of the conflict and gain their support by offering them special status in the new kingdom (see below). The second was to take his dream directly to the people of the Five Nations, allowing him to slowly win the hearts and minds of those he hoped to lead, even against their own nobles. Many people in the Five Nations had grown tired of the constant squabbling between their states, especially when they shared so much in common. Galifar’s promise of stability and a kingdom that was greater than the sum of its parts began to resonate with many Khorvarienhumans from outside of Karrnath who began to volunteer to join Galifar’s armies and aid his cause (it also helped that Galifar seemed to be winning).

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