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The Birth of the Giant Nations



The Titan humanoids rise from the ashes of the Dragon-Fiend war.

The massive elemental humanoids known as the giants rose from the ruins of the Dragon–Fiend Wars to establish a vast and powerful civilization on their home continent of Xen’drik. The giants were towering humanoids who were strongly tied to the elemental nature of Eberron, the Material Realm, a world forged in part by the Progenitor birds from the raw material of the elemental Chaos. The giants were in some ways the sentient expressions of this part of the world's nature. At least three major giant civilizations are known to have come into being during this time through the efforts of the greatest of giantkind who were called the titans: the peaceful, intellectually-inclined Empire of Cul’sir, the Group of Eleven and the militaristic, flame-worshipping Sul’at League. The giants of these civilizations enslaved the elves, recently arrived immigrants to Eberron, the Material Realm from the mirror world of Thelanis, the Faerie Court, also known as the Feywild. The elves were a relatively peaceful, nomadic folk who enjoyed living in the woodlands and jungles of Xen’drik before the first of their tribes began to be enslaved by the giants. This enslavement had the inadvertent effect of pulling the first of the common humanoid races out of their primitive state.

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