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Mordain the Fleshweaver is Excoriated From House Phiarlan


The elven wizard Mordaind’Phiarlan was one of the most skilled wizards ever to have been trained by the Twelve. But Mordain proved to be ruthless and utterly amoral, concerned only with expanding his arcane knowledge and pursuing research into the forbidden magical arts of the daelkyr, for the elven mage was consumed with the ambition to create new forms of life as the lords of Xoriat had done.

The elven wizard Mordaind’Phiarlan was one of the most skilled wizards ever to have been trained by the Twelve. But Mordain proved to be ruthless and utterly amoral, concerned only with expanding his arcane knowledge and pursuing research into the forbidden magical arts of the daelkyr, for the elven mage was consumed with the ambition to create new forms of life as the lords of Xoriat had done. Mordain went too far even for the Twelve when he began to delve deep into the lost secrets of the Closed Circle of Sharn, a dark wizards circle of the City of Towers that had been wiped out by a combined strike between the Church of the Silver Flame and Sharn’s other two wizards circles, the Esoteric Order of Aureon and the Guild of Starlight and Shadows, in 641 YK. The Closed Circle’s members had been researching the power of the daelkyr and the other dark secrets of the Dragon Below and Sharn’s city government had approved the strike. Mordain returned to the Closed Circle’s ruined sanctuaries and recovered as much of their dark lore as he could manage. When the Twelve, at last, discovered the extent of his research and that he had been using several unwilling members of the common races as test subjects for his hideous experiments in producing new aberrations, he was excoriated from House Phiarlan and handed over to the Sentinel Marshals for justice. According to the records of Salyon Syrralan d’Sivis, the Twelve tried to execute Mordain after he was tried and found guilty of murder but failed. Salyon’s account states that Mordain was bathed in acid, burned at the stake, drowned, and even dismembered, and after each attempt, “he rose again, his vigor unchecked and flesh rebound.” Mordain’s victims were not the only ones who had been altered by the flesh shaping magic of the daelkyr. Mordain was finally petrified by the Twelve and sent to Dreadhold, but he escaped before reaching that island prison; Salyon speculated that “no lesser mage could set his will over the flesh of Mordain.” Where Mordain escaped to remained unknown for almost a century, though in fact he fled into the wild lands of what would one day become the nation of Droaam.

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