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The Publication of Deviant Celestia

Scientific achievement


Eberron’s cosmology is complex, subtle, and at times an utterly mystifying tapestry of relationships. Planar connections wax and wane in a dance so intricate that only the most rigorous academic can accurately track and predict its effect on the world—and not without complicated equations that would frustrate some archmages. Such complexity is bound to breed surprises.

In 845 YK the established order of the universe was challenged by the troubled genius, Belental Heirm. A professor of planar research in the fledgling offshoot of Morgrave University established in Wroat, Heirm made a reputation for his complete and utter understanding of the thirteen planar paths and their cryptic movements. In his life’s work, the Deviant Celestia, Heirm advanced the theory that the planes’ sometimes erratic movement could only be adequately explained by the existence of numerous rogue planes lying just outside the paths of the main thirteen in a place he called the Deeper Astral.   According to Heirm’s controversial theory, these rogue planes interact with the main thirteen, and their courses tug and pull the fabric of the Astral Sea, explaining most of the cosmic complexity observed for centuries. He further theorized that while many rogue planes typically do not directly interact with Eberron, on rare occasions some could, and even proposed that one of these rogue planes may float close enough to Eberron to become conterminous. While the precision of Heirm’s mathematical model was remarkable, other academics scoffed at the more eccentric theories proposed in the Deviant Celestia. Many could not accept the mind-numbing complexity of Heirm’s cosmos, while even others could not accept the source of the theory.   An utter libertine, prone to fits of rage and melancholy, many believed the Belental Heirm was insane at best, and possessed at worse. When he was implicated in a plot to assassinate King Jarot of Galifar that was perpetrated by a Cult of the Dragon Below, the fears of fiendish possession seemed confirmed. Heirm died a traitor’s death at the hands of Galifaran royal agents. Since his disgrace, the Deviant Celestia and his other works have been ignored by all but a small secretive group of students and professors in Wroat and Sharn.

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