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Galifar ir’Wynarn is Born in Karrnath and the Border Wars Begin

Life, Birth


Prince Galifarir’Wynarn, a descendant of Karrn the Conqueror and the future King Galifar I of the nation that also bore his name, is born in the city of Korth in -41 YK, the son of the ruling Warlord of Karrnath.

Prince Galifarir’Wynarn, a descendant of Karrn the Conqueror and the future King Galifar I of the nation that also bore his name, is born in the city of Korth in -41 YK, the son of the ruling Warlord of Karrnath. Galifar grew up eagerly devouring the stories surrounding his famous ancestor and harbored a dream to do what Karrn could not—unite all of the human nations of central Khorvaire under one crown.   A series of border skirmishes broke out in -41 YK that lasted until -31 YK and eventually drew in the fighting forces of all five of the human nations of central Khorvaire. The conflict became a low-grade struggle known as the Border Wars. The conflict had begun as each nation’s frontier nobles battled over the right to expand into the best agricultural lands and gain control of the continent's water sources as Khorvaire’s growing economic prosperity led to an increase in population density. And, as always, the feudal nobility of the Five Nations sought more lands to increase their own political power.

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