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The Five Nations are Renamed and the City of Sharn is Rebuilt

Political event


The Five Nations of Galifar eventually adopted the names of King Galifar I’s royal children and their first governor-princes as their own, becoming Aundair (formerly Thaliost), Cyre (formerly Metrol), Karrnath, Thrane (formerly Daskara), and Breland (formerly Wroat). This change was meant to mirror the united kingdom’s own adoption of the name of its first monarch and founder.

The Five Nations of Galifar eventually adopted the names of King Galifar I’s royal children and their first governor-princes as their own, becoming Aundair (formerly Thaliost), Cyre (formerly Metrol), Karrnath, Thrane (formerly Daskara), and Breland (formerly Wroat). This change was meant to mirror the united kingdom’s own adoption of the name of its first monarch and founder.   For over five hundred years after the destruction of the city of Sharn during the War of the Mark, the superstitious folk of pre-Galifar Breland had shunned the ruined towers of the metropolis that had once stretched above the bluffs of the Dagger River, muttering about the curses of the aberrant dragonmarked lords. Despite the superstitions, the location continued to have the same considerable strategic and economic value it had possessed under the Dhakaani and the previous human regime. When King Galifar I took control of the Five Nations and established his unified kingdom, he sent a force of Galifaran troops to rebuild the ruined city. Continuing his excellent relations with the dragonmarked houses, Galifar I granted House Cannith a critical role in the reconstruction of the city that was still called Sharn, the City of Towers. House Cannith used its resources to help raise Sharn’s towers once more and to this day remains one of the most influential forces in what has become the largest and most cosmopolitan city on Khorvaire. Galifar brought in skilled dwarven engineers from the recently subdued Mror Holds and a few members of the Brelishnobility invested a great deal of their gold in the City of Towers’ resurrection. The chief among these aristocrats was the Brelish ir’Tain family. Even in the present time, the ir’Tains are known as the slumlords of Sharn and over the centuries since the city’s restoration, the family has made a fortune from its many tenement properties. Today the ir’Tains are one of the most powerful noble families in Breland because of their control over much of Sharn’s land; Lord Hass ir’Tain is an influential member of the Brelish Parliament and his mother Lady Celyria ir’Tain is the unquestioned leader of Sharn’s high society. In addition to the ir’Tains, other powerful noble families and merchant groups flocked to the new Galifaran commercial center and Sharn grew and prospered over the next millennium.   When the work on the reconstruction of Sharn began, only a few towers remained standing above the ancient Dhakaani foundations and pre-Galifar human ruins. It was believed that the aberrant curse of the Lady of the Plague still lingered in the darkness and the remnants of the older cities that had stood above the Dagger River were quickly sealed away by the Galifaran workers. In Intime they were forgotten, lost in the shadows of the new towers that soon stretched towards the sky. Occasionally, treasure-hunters and adventurers ventured down into the haunted levels that lay between the Lower City and the industrial workshops known as the Cogs, but the vast majority of the City of Towers’ citizens knew little or nothing of the ruins that lay in the depths of their home.   Before long, Sharn had become the largest metropolis in Khorvaire, a center for trade, diplomacy, and political intrigue, a city with an important role to play in the future of the continent.

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