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Galifar ir’Wynarn Ascends the Throne of Karrnath

Life, Milestone


Galifar ir’Wynarn became the Warlord of Karrnath after the death of his father shortly before his twenty-first birthday in -20 YK. Following Galifar’s ascent to the throne, he began a massive military build-up in Karrnath aimed at reestablishing Karrn the Conqueror’s empire—and extending beyond it. Galifar’s expansion of the Karrnathi military goes over well with the Karrn aristocracy, who expect to greatly enrich themselves in lands and wealth seized from the rest of the Five Nations.

Galifar ir’Wynarn became the Warlord of Karrnath after the death of his father shortly before his twenty-first birthday in -20 YK. Following Galifar’s ascent to the throne, he began a massive military build-up in Karrnath aimed at reestablishing Karrn the Conqueror’s empire—and extending beyond it. Galifar’s expansion of the Karrnathi military goes over well with the Karrn aristocracy, who expect to greatly enrich themselves in lands and wealth seized from the rest of the Five Nations.   But if the Karrnathi nobles expected their new warlord to pile up the treasures of Khorvaire at their feet, they were sadly mistaken. Galifar had grown up during the Border Wars, a decade-long conflict that saw the Five Nations battle over land rights and water sources. He saw the cruelty and shortsightedness of the Karrnathi warlords, including his father, and he decided that those currently in charge were wasting the potential of the Five Nations.   Galifar envisioned a united kingdom covering all of central Khorvaire made up of five equal parts, where petty disagreements were put aside and the people worked to improve life and advance the human condition. Young Galifar had studied the exploits of his famous ancestor and decided that in many ways Karrn the Conqueror had had the right idea. Only by combining their resources and efforts could the human nations of Khorvaire achieve the next level of civilization. Where Karrnfailed, in Galifar’s opinion, was in his cruelty, his blood lust, and his desire for aggrandizement above all other concerns. Galifar swore to avoid these failings and find a higher purpose to lead the way toward the unification of the Five Nations.   During the first decade of his rule over Karrnath, Galifar began preparations to see his dream become a reality. While Galifar hoped to convince the Five Nations to accept his plan, he knew that his best chance of uniting the kingdom was to have a powerful army to assure compliance. He expanded the standing army of Karrnath and the feudal levy of soldiers he laid on the Karrnathinobility and set the best minds in the nation to helping him plan the kingdom he envisioned building. Then, in the eighth year of his reign (-12 YK), he began negotiations with the leaders of the other nations. It did not take the other rulers long to reject Galifar and his plans for a unified kingdom.   Undeterred, Galifar continued to explore diplomatic approaches to Khorvarien unity for the next two years (-12 YK to -10 YK). Each demonstration of shortsightedness and refusal on the parts of the other leaders of the Five Nations simply made Galifar more determined to bring his vision to reality.

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