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House Tharaskh is Founded in the Shadow Marches



The Mark of Finding’s human and half-orc clan leaders were cunning and capable, the House Sivis emissaries who discovered these tribes and had accompanied the Zil expedition were intent on working with the Marchers, not exploiting them.

At this time, expeditions from the Galifaran cities of central Khorvaire reached the Shadow Marches of far western Khorvaire. One such expedition was led by Zil gnomes, who had calculated that the distant land might hold rich deposits of dragonshards. In this, they were correct, but the discovery of the Mark of Finding was an even greater treasure. The Mark of Finding’s human and half-orc clan leaders were cunning and capable, but the House Sivis emissaries who had accompanied the Zil expedition were intent on working with the Marchers, not exploiting them. With the assistance of the gnomes, the three great dragonmarked clans of Aashta, Torrn, and Velderan and their lesser kin joined together to form House Tharashk, an Orcish word meaning “united.” The Torrn and their allied lesser clans possess the strongest druidic tradition and the greatest number of full-blooded orcs as a result. Th Aashta and their lesser clans produce the sorcerers of the house and have ties to the Cults of the Dragon below. The Velderan clan was made up mostly of humans and was known for its altruistic outlook. The Torrns were usually unaligned in the struggle between light and darkness while the Aashta were too easily drawn into the shadows of Khyber. For the symbol of the house, the first ruling Tharashk Triumvirate chose the dragonne, touched with the power of dragons and a fierce hunter in the legends of both the Marcher orcs and the Sarlonan human settlers.   Tharashk was founded on the dragonshard trade, its dragonmarked heirs employing the Mark of Finding to locate shard fields while their unmarked kin mined those deposits. The three Tharashk clans’ leaders were ambitious, however, and not content to remain in the shadows. Over the four hundred years after their discovery by House Sivis, Tharashk prospectors explored the deepest corners of Eberron, drawing dragonshards and other valuable substances from Q’barra, the Demon Wastes, and Xen’drik. City-dwelling Tharashk heirs sell their services as inquisitives and bounty hunters.