
Kullorthga (a.k.a. The Immortal Mercy Of Kullorthga)

All of the flames in the whole neighborhood go off, just as a black hooded man wanders carelessly on the street, and when he leaves the flames spark up again. You couldn't discern much detail of him but when you were finally able to see his face and you fell to the ground trembling in fright.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A long slender man with not the best-built man but not the strongest either.

Facial Features

They are covered up by his mask of black and white mask that he always wear.

Identifying Characteristics

His staff is know in many different parts of the world but most know by whom are his enemy.

Physical quirks

If he is under a time limit his body starts to work on its own.

Apparel & Accessories

His black and white mask

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Everyone who knows of the leshay knows one thing for certain; they have a long lifespan. Some even say they are immortals though never proven here is a prime example of a long life. Born and raised in the prime material plane before the "split", Kullorthga a small elven child together with his tribe members lived a peaceful life hunting and farming in a small forest they called the Eldeen.


He normally doesn't work for someone except for it's for his personal goal or for his friends.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Has taught himself almost everything he know's.

Mental Trauma

He has always envied the children that were born with a family. And he is searching for something he can't really understand.

Morality & Philosophy

Always show respect.

Personality Characteristics


He just wants a world where everyone can live happily and in peace.

Likes & Dislikes

Doesn't like how the world is now because everyone only thinks about money and status they never think a second about what's happening in the real world. He does like his friends and what the future might offer.

Virtues & Personality perks

It's hard to track him down since he always wears a mask and the fact that he comes from the feywild.

Vices & Personality flaws

Doesn't take that much caution in life since that only seem to slow him down in what he wants to do and in living they way he want's to.

Personality Quirks

Always wears a full body outfit whenever there's anyone that could possibly see him.


It's fine, you would think it's bad since he never wears anything else than one outfit but it's actually alright.


Religious Views

He belives in the Way of Mercy

Kullorthga is a calm and strange Leshay Monk always wearing a black and white veil. He will forever be a grand companion to be had if you can make him that but also your greatest foe.

View Character Profile
Lawful Neutral
about 40, 000 years
Date of Birth
In the Feywild
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
110 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
It's never too late or It's never too early.
Known Languages
He was born with the capabilities to speak Sylvan as well as Common but he learned how to speak Elvish since he was around the elf's the most in his early days.