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The Immortal Mercy Of Kullorthga

Level 3 LeShay Neutral Good Monk
/ 26 HP

Kullorthga is a calm and strange Leshay Monk always wearing a black and white veil. He will forever be a grand companion to be had if you can make him that but also your greatest foe.

998 YK
Other characters

The major events and journals in Kullorthga's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 3

01:15 pm - 17.05.2021

Session 3

01:15 pm - 17.05.2021

Session 3

06:54 am - 22.04.2021

Session 3

06:54 am - 22.04.2021

Session 1

04:36 pm - 24.03.2021

Session 1

04:35 pm - 24.03.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Kullorthga.

Played by

Other Characters by TheOnlyTrueOne