Faeyore Nucklestamp

Faeyore Nucklestamp

You see an old gnome with a curious face in a tavern, you see him holding a scroll in his hands and at the same time taking notes in his small notebook.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Faeyore was born in a city called Korranberg in Zilargo and had a caring and loving family but his family was all alchemists. Faeyore doesn't like the arts of brewing, he tried to like it but he couldn't but he's grandpa told him about his adventures and how the world was a long time ago and Faeyore loved his stories. Faeyore wanted to work with history instead of brewing and his grandpa helped him achieve his goals and young Faeyore become a historian. He was a talented gnome so the house of Sivis asked if he wanted to join which he wanted, the house treated him like a part of a family and they showed him a mark of scribing on his hand. They told him that he was blessed and meant for great things. He traveled the world of Eberron and found great things about the past and he made a name for himself. Then the war happened Faeyore didn't know what to do he wasn't a warrior so he spent his time learning new skills and improving the skills he had. But one day his grandfather died, he died under a goblin attack Faeyore was crushed and after that day he hated war more than ever but he isn't gonna blame the goblins they just followed orders he blamed the leaders of Eberron. The leader should try to solve wars with peace, not war the worst thing was that he couldn't do anything about it. After the war, a strange leshay seeked him, the leshay´s name was Kullorthga the elf needed help with fixing a war forged. Faeyore helped the elf with the war forged named Bracket in exchange Faeyore got an ancient scroll.


Faeyore is a talented historian whos working for the house of Sivis.


He works for the house of Sivis and sees the house as a family.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He made two-book series about "The age of monsters" and "The rise and fall of the goblinoid kingdoms"

Mental Trauma

When his grandfather died he understood that the world isn't perfect.

Intellectual Characteristics

He knows a little about brewing but a lot about history and knows how to be an artificer.

Morality & Philosophy

He's morale is high and he would never do a crime if it wasn't for a really good purpose, and he thinks that the world isn't a great place with to mush war and irresponsible leaders.

Personality Characteristics


Faeyore wants to find out more about the past and he wants to improve the world and make it a peaceful place.

Likes & Dislikes

He likes working with history and loves his house and family but he don't like the leaders of Eberron he thinks that they are irresponsible and that they should be replaced.


Family Ties

He loves his family but likes his grandpa the most.

Hobbies & Pets

He has two pets a homunculus and a mechanical snake they mean mush to him.

Fayore is a nice old gnome who is curious and wants to explore the world and recover the past. Fayore wants to use the knowledge he gains to submit it to a library so that the future gnomes can learn from his studies.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
350 Years old
Date of Birth
Born year 648 in eberron
Faeyore was born in a city called Korranberg in Zilargo.
Current Residence
He lives in Korranberg but has traveled temporarily to Sharn.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
3.5 feet
40 pounds
Known Languages
He learned Gnome and Common when he was young and then Elvish in the Eldeen Reaches and dwarvish in the Mrorholds.

The letter
