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Faeyore Nucklestamp

Level 3 Gnome Neutral Good Artificer
/ 21 HP

Fayore is a nice old gnome who is curious and wants to explore the world and recover the past. Fayore wants to use the knowledge he gains to submit it to a library so that the future gnomes can learn from his studies.

Played by
Other characters
Thu 25th Mar 2021 06:42

The letter

by Faeyore Nucklestamp


The major events and journals in Faeyore's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 3

01:15 pm - 17.05.2021

Session 3

01:15 pm - 17.05.2021

Session 3

06:54 am - 22.04.2021

Session 3

06:54 am - 22.04.2021

The letter


06:42 pm - 25.03.2021

Session 1

04:36 pm - 24.03.2021

Session 1

04:35 pm - 24.03.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Faeyore.

Played by

Other Characters by VincentE