Isolde Character in Eberron Y2K | World Anvil


Appearance: Isolde is a young woman with raven-black hair and piercing green eyes. Her attire, adorned with subtle jewelry, reflects a mix of mystery and allure. Despite her profession, there's a sense of resilience and hidden strength in her demeanor.   Role in the Brothel: Isolde is known for her ability to create an intimate and comfortable atmosphere for her clients. Beyond providing physical companionship, she excels at engaging in meaningful conversations, offering solace to those burdened by troubles. Her insights into the city's affairs make her a valuable source of information.   Backstory: Isolde's past is shrouded in mystery. Rumors circulate that she once belonged to a noble family but was disowned for reasons unknown. The truth is that she deliberately keeps her past ambiguous, using it as a tool to manipulate perceptions and maintain an air of enigma.   Quirks:   Isolde has a small, ornate locket that she keeps close. Its contents are a well-guarded secret. She possesses a collection of poetry, each piece carefully chosen to evoke specific emotions in her clients. Isolde has a pet songbird named Whisper, a symbol of freedom in her otherwise constrained life. Motivations: Isolde dreams of a life beyond the brothel, where she can be free from the judgments of society. She saves her earnings, hoping to one day establish a place of her own—a sanctuary for those seeking comfort and understanding. Until then, she navigates the complexities of her current life with resilience and a touch of grace.
Current Location
Current Residence
Sleepy Wench Beerhouse
Raven Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
115 lbs

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