Ironton Settlement in Eberron Y2K | World Anvil


As it exists Ironton stands as a reminder of the might of the great nation of Karrnath. A large wall encircles the town with an abandoned but upkept fort overlooking the derelict lightning rail line. Since the calamity the town has grown slightly as one of few settlements that exports food, attracting wayward and hardy folk willing to try their hand at fishing on Lake Dark.

The town is governed by the Fishermen's Guild and the mayor Crest Barthold. The populace are generally unhappy with how things are run but the Fishermen's Guild controls the supply of food. It is rumoured that those that speak out or attempt to catch their own food without paying the exorbitant guild fees quickly go missing. The town guards are known as The Barbs and are responsible for enforcing the laws and organizing the millitia. They report directly to Barthold and the leaders of the Fishermen's Guild.

Many travellers marvel at the lack of a graveyard outside the town's walls, some rumours even reach other settlements that the populace is immortal. The truth is that bodies must be burned due to the fact that any dead buried in the grounds surrounding Ironton rise as undead monstrosities. Talk around the town is that when the Barbs take care of dissenters they toss the bodies into the lake to avoid a pyre being noticed. A few people go so far to suggest that these murderd men and women sucumb to the necromantic energy that permeates Ironton and its surroundings and become monsters beneath the deeps of Lake Dark.

Rumours: Undying Citizens: Whispers claim that the people of Ironton are immortal. Some say it's a magical blessing, while others suspect a darker pact with unknown forces. The truth may be hidden in the secrets of the Fishermen's Guild.   Lake Dark's Secrets: Travelers speak of strange shadows moving beneath the surface of Lake Dark. Rumors suggest that the lake hides ancient ruins or even a gateway to another realm. Daring adventurers might find more than they bargained for.   Guild's Dark Dealings: Hushed conversations hint at shady deals within the Fishermen's Guild. Some believe the guild is involved in illicit activities beyond controlling the food supply. Those who pry too much into their affairs reportedly vanish without a trace.   Cursed Fort Overlook: The abandoned fort overlooking Ironton is said to be cursed. Strange lights and eerie sounds are heard at night. Some believe the fort is haunted by the spirits of soldiers from a forgotten war.   Necromantic Resonance: Whispers of necromantic energy surrounding Ironton persist. Locals attribute the rising undead to this dark resonance. The source might be tied to an ancient curse or an artifact hidden within the town.   Secret Rebellion: Rumors spread of an underground resistance against the Fishermen's Guild. The rebels are said to be planning a rebellion to free the town from the guild's control. Those sympathetic to the cause are discreetly seeking allies.   Mysterious Disappearances: Travelers claim that people who speak out against the mayor or the Fishermen's Guild go missing. Some suspect a secret prison, while others believe the victims are taken to fuel some dark ritual.   The Silent Watchers: Strange, silent figures are seen atop the town walls at night. Some believe they are ghosts of long-gone guards, while others think they are mystical protectors watching over Ironton. Unraveling their true nature could reveal hidden truths.

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