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Jarot ir'Wynarn

High King Jarot ir'Wynarn

FAMILY TREE NOT AVAILABLE   High King Jarot ir'Wynarn, Last King of Khorvaire.   Upon his death in 894 YK, the Kingdom of Khorvaire fractured in a civil war that would last for a hundred years.   King Jarot declared that his eldest child, Princess Mishann, should inherit his titles. This declaration contradicted the Kingdom's inheritance laws. The inheritance laws at the time favored sons over daughters, so a noble's daughter would only inherit his titles if the noble had no sons. Under this interpretation of the law, the true heir to King Jarot's titles was his eldest son, Prince Thalin.   In his journals, King Jarot wrote that he intended to replace the male-preference inheritance laws with a set of new laws that treated sons and daughters equally. The process was lengthy, and King Jarot would have to have the new legal regime passed by the House of Lords. Before he could begin the process, he fell ill. Within less than a month, King Jarot died in his bed. The only person to witness King Jarot's death was his youngest son, Prince Wrogar. The Prince claimed that High King Jarot used his last moments to command Wrogar to serve the rightful heir to the throne, Princess Mishann.   The five children of King Jaron met at Thronehold for the King's funeral and the intended coronation of Princess Mishann. There, Prince Thalin of Thrane challenged Mishann's claim to the throne. Thalin was supported by Prince Kaius of Karrnath and Princess Wroann of Breland. It was only through the intervention of Prince Wrogar of Aundair that Mishann was able to escape from Thronehold.


Jarot ir'Wynarn


Towards Ragna ir'Clarn

Ragna ir'Clarn


Towards Jarot ir'Wynarn

821 YK 894 YK 73 years old
Ragna ir'Clarn (spouse)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
167 lbs

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