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Horkfell church (Hork-fell)

Horkfell's church is managed by Jill Harkest, a recognized independent faithful of the church of Erathis and her acolytes. It provides a place of worship for all the faithful of Horkfell at a large metal statue created in the likeness of Erathis, lawbearer. It also includes smaller shrines to the gods Hahk, the messenger, Ilmater, the downtrodden, Helm, god of protection, and Jergal, god of proper burial.

Purpose / Function

To provide a place of worship for the citizens of Horkfell.


The architecture of this church is pristine, with great care put into its upkeep by Jill Harkest's acolytes. The church itself resembles a classic church, but with no tower.


Jill Harkest is a powerful cleric, and her acolytes are capable of casting minor miracles in the name of Erathis.
Temple / Church
Parent Location


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