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Julie Goldfury

Julie Goldfury

She is an intelligent and well-spoken arcanist. Typically, Julie tries to understand a subject completely before making a judgement call. The magic surrounding her is powerful and primal as it barely contained behind her golden eyes

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Julie used to be a human that lived with her parents in Hepine, but due to a fiendish contract going awry, Julie and her family was disfigured and cursed. Immediately after, she fled the city; she then found a possessed spell-book which began a tense relationship with the demon known as Diklah. She then devoted time to investigating ruins, practicing magic and scavenging in the Yukka Desert. After succeeding in the Trial of Hepine and having to wished to remove all fiendish influence from bloodline, she is now human again.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Passed the Magistrate Trial in the Grove. Bonded and Suffused with Hepine's Mana Well. Succeed in the Trial of Hepine. Saved her family from a deathly curse of greed

Failures & Embarrassments

Failed to keep Moander from reviving. Released the Master of the Maniacal, Diklah.

Morality & Philosophy

There are the beginnings of a druidic philosophy within Julie after a miraculous encounter with Chauntea. Nature should be protected, and the limits of technology and magic should only go as far as nature allows. Magic is Nature, and Nature is Magic.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Nature, Books, and Magic. Dislikes: Fiends, Syndicate, and Wasted Time

Vices & Personality flaws

Flaw: She has a hard time trusting people


Contacts & Relations

Amadeus, Ogren, Amira, Chauntea, and Cara

Family Ties

Sylvia and Jericho Goldfury

Religious Views

She has had her ups and downs with the gods, never really thinking about them positively. The only two she has any respect for are Chauntea, The Earthmother, and Jergal, The Lord of the End of Everything.

Hobbies & Pets

Julie has a pet, a familiar to be specific, by the name of Sneks. It is a fiendish creature that she summons to do her bidding. Most often times, she summons him underneath her cloak for subtlety. In the past, Sneks has taken the form of a lizard and a Tressym (winged cat).
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Druid of Chauntea, Archmage of the School of Hepine
Hepine, The Yukka Desert
Glowing Gold with Flecks of Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Infernal, Abyssal, Druidic, and Telepathy

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