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Bastille Key

The Bastille Key, an island of stone and steel stands at the periphery of the Harbor District , surrounded by the Moryanne, the river around which Vallaki was built.  


In the past, this island served as the city's first line of defense. It was the primary checkpoint for incoming trade ships, a protocol established shortly after the founding of the city. Despite thwarting this surprise attack, city officials decided to take no chances, setting up a rigorous inspection process for all incoming vessels. Under the watchful eyes of cannons perched on the city walls, the ships would be escorted by military barges to the key. Once docked, the crew would disembark and be placed in a temporary holding area while soldiers inspected the ship from top to bottom. To maintain security, only two ships would be allowed to enter the city at a time, causing the rest to wait outside the heavily fortified city walls. This enforced delay at times led to spoilage of goods as ships sometimes had to wait for days before getting clearance. Once a ship was thoroughly inspected and granted passage, it could venture further into the heart of the Harbor District ascend towards the Cathedral Ward , or traverse towards the other districts. Here, secure docks would accommodate the vessels for the duration of their stay, for a reasonable fee. Ships merely seeking passage through the city were exempt from such rigorous inspections, allowed to journey across the city undisturbed. However, these vessels were well aware of the city's rules. Veering too close to the districts would elicit two warnings before the heavy artillery of Vallaki would intervene to ‘correct’ their course. To deter unauthorized entry via the city's waterways, massive tesla coils —named Galespire Coils— were installed beneath the bridges and submerged in the water, ready to take down any ship attempting an illicit entrance with destructive pillars of lightning.   Additionally, commercial houses and a prison complex, known as The Abyssal Keep , were established on the island. The trade houses were places of negotiation where tradesmen would compete for the best deals with incoming merchants, as well as a place where said merchants could rest and be entertained until their arrival on the mainland of Vallaki, or until their departure. The Abyssal Keep, on the other hand, was a prison that plunged into the abyss of Vallaki's waters, reserved to those who break the law of the city.  

Present Day

Following the city's total lockdown, the Bastille Key was near-abandoned. With no new ships breaking the city's waters, the island's commerce hubs have been deserted, leaving behind remains of once-thriving houses. Residents have fled to safer, livelier areas within the Harbor or sought refuge in entirely different districts.   "A word of caution to those aboard: contact with the mesh when it's coursing with electricity is a risk best avoided.”

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