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Harbor District

The Harbor District once functioned as the pulsing artery of the city, the hub of docks and seafaring vessels that skimmed the river, creating a conduit for trade and external communication. The district was once a thriving medley of sailors, traders, and cloak-and-dagger operatives —each striving to carve out an existence within the tumultuous Vallaki.   Yet, in the wake of the city's blockade brought about by The Scourge, swathes of the district have succumbed to deterioration, at times projecting an eerie semblance of a ghost town. The once vibrant streets now lie desolate, a chilling silence replacing the hustle and bustle. The crisp river breeze, once a welcome respite on the sweltering plazas, now only instills shivers in the hearts of the few who dare to tread these deserted streets.  

Gilded Harbor

Once the heart of the Waterfront District, the Gilded Harbor was the definition of opulence, its quays thronged with luxurious ships and its landscape dominated by grand buildings draped in bronze. This harbor pulsed with the lifeblood of the district's commerce, acting as a nexus for trade and negotiation. Merchants from all over Barovia services   However, since the city's blockade, the harbor has fallen into near-abandon, devoid of incoming trade and commerce, the once resplendent glorious bronze has now rusted, tinging the streets with a gloomy palette. Many of its establishments were forced to shut their doors, and the few that remain—mostly bars and pubs—see their patronage steadily eroding. The handful of inhabitants that reside in the district do visit these establishments sporadically, but for many shopkeepers, a harsh truth looms: if the Scourge doesn't end soon, their livelihoods will. Sailors can still be hired for small scale navigation throughout the city from here. However, a recent spike of unexplained ship sinkings, purportedly by sea creatures far larger than those typically found in the city, or malevolent third parties, has seeded hesitation among many. These days, most ships ply their trade in fishing, a desperate attempt to keep afloat and inject some life into the dwindling economy.   As a peculiar twist, the property values along the waterfront have surged. As the Scourge of beasts originates from the land, the river presents a natural barricade that most of these creatures dare not cross, providing an unexpected refuge. However, the majority of these sought-after residences are already claimed by certain seedy factions of Vallaki, and Vallakians know that trespassing in their properties is met with severe punishment.    

Important Locations

Bastille Key An island of stone and steel that acts as the first line of defense along the river.
Shipwright's Quarters The core of the Harbor and a hivemind of forges, workspaces, and dry docks.
The Abyssal Keep A secure and isolate prison that stands as a testament to the ruthless intolerance for lawlessness.
The Tidewatcher An abandoned lighthouse with strange noises emanating from it for years. None dare investigate
Vancairn A section of docks home to the strange and the macabre of Vallaki. Rumors circulate that something is happening here.

Important Factions

Pillars of Night A secretive and seedy crime ring known by a small fraction of the world.
Victorian Mansonia A clandestine society rumored to hold sway within the political world of Vallaki
Veiled Navigators A mysterious organization legendary for their prowess of navigation. Mysteriously disappeared years ago
"Best not dally stranger. Horrors lurk in the waters just like everywhere else" -Sailor Ivor

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