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The Enclave encompasses all clergy of the church. From the humble doctors to the Blood Saints, to even the Vicar himself. Any active clergy member is considered to be apart of the Enclave, however the Enclave itself is compartmentalized into two main pillars. There are the Luminary Scribes, tasked with safeguarding the Church's knowledge, and the Ministry of Light, which encompasses all priests and evangelists.      

Luminary Scribes

The Luminary Scribes are the pen of the Church. Nestled within the the hallowed halls of this library, scribes are tasked with the preservation and cultivation of the Church's knowledge. Their noble duty breaths life into the divine teachings of the church, shaping each text into a glowing beacon. Bestowed the mantle of creators of holy texts, it is their responsibility to craft hymnals, prayer books, and liturgical guides to help bolster the faith of the church. Stationed at the cusp of knowledge, the Scribes must remain ever vigilant to maintain the relevance of their texts. As such, their members are mandated and delegated with constant investigations to gather fresh insights.
  Their duty is not just to the faithful, their are also responsible for the curation of knowledge for their doctors and their tomb explorers. They aid in the cataloguing of all findings and teachings made by these factions, helping to preserve the knowledge in written format so that any doctor can reference it. They also aid by becoming experts themselves, often times either aiding in, or hosting themselves, seminars and lectures on practices and findings.
  The Scribes also serve as the compass guiding the Blood Church's leadership, their profound wisdom illuminating the path ahead. Their counsel, drawn from the infinite wells of knowledge of their grand library, sculpts the decisions of the Church's echelons, bringing clarity to their divine pursuits.

The Luminary Scribes wear many mantles, and among them is the most frightening of them all. one that sparks fear into the hearts of many. This would be the mantle of heresy seekers; Inquisitors. They are the Church's own investigation force, responsible for finding out the truth at their behest. They perform the role of investigators for all manners of politic or populous instances, but the most common mission the scribes are given is to uncover heretical texts and teachings that dare to contest their hallowed doctrines. They are the Church's bastion against the storm of false teachings, their discerning gaze separating truth from deceit. The people know and fear when an Inquisitor is called to action, for when they find heresy the wrath of the church is never far behind.
  These investigators have learned to merge seamlessly into the fabric of ordinary life, indistinguishable from the typical clergy, or if desired, even common folk. Information about the existence of these covert heresy hunters have seeped into the public consciousness, a deliberate act on the Scribes part. This divulgence was designed to strike fear into the hearts of the people, and send shivers down the spines of potential sinners and heretics, serving as a deterrent to those who might be tempted to disseminate heretical ideas within the confines of Vallaki.
  Once heresy is detected, the accused are taken into custody, and await terrifying interrogation within the cold, unyielding walls of the Church. In the event of a wrongful accusation, severe sanctions are imposed upon the investigator involved, a practice aimed at discouraging the misuse of these powers. However, if guilt is ascertained, the accused might find themselves yearning for a quick and merciful end. The harshest punishment meted out by the church was given to a man who was found to be harboring beasts and deliberately unleashing them upon the population in an attempt to propagate The Scourge. His body still hangs in the cemetery outside of town, his body crucified and his innards gruesomely eviscerated.

Ministry of Light

The Ministry of Light serves as stalwart guardians of the Blood Church faith, luminous beacons in the darkness of uncertainty and despair. They stand as holy and unyielding voices, preserving the sacredness of the faith and the Blood, forming unassailable bastions against the creeping dread wrought by the Scourge's devastating onslaught. They emerge from their Cathedral, offering succor and salvation to those affected by the constant threat of beasts and corruption. Consisting of the Vicar, the Blood Saints, and the doctors, they disseminate the faith and propagate hope through public displays of their holy medium, the Blood. While on occasion they may perform sermons or other acts of faith, those of the Ministry believe not in the pomp and circumstance of religious beliefs that they themselves have replaced, but instead in acts of change that prove their beliefs in the Blood.
  The sacred scripts of the Ministry also outlines their role as mentors and recruiters of fresh clergy, the future stewards of the church. Whether preparing them as warrior protectors, doctors capable of performing Blood Ministration, community leaders, researchers, or even Blood Saints; they shape their charges with faith.
  As the people's emissaries, the Ministry embodies the Church's compassionate face, a tangible comfort amid the tumultuous trials propagated by the Scourge. They grant solace to the city's hurting souls, providing counsel and comfort to those caught in the web of personal loss, guilt, or fear. They extend soothing hands to those tormented by terrifying nightmares, those grappling with the harsh reality, and providing miraculous healing by means of Blood Ministration; serving as guiding lights towards a better future.
  The clergy of the Ministry also bear the responsibility in crafting their sacred incenses, invaluable deterrents against the beastly abominations spawned by the Scourge. This incense has become a comforting nightlight for the populace, a symbol of safety against the horrors that lurk in the shadows.

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