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Blood Church

The Blood Church is one of the main factions within Barovia. Founded by Leo Dilisnya in 1605 under the reign of the devil, Strahd Von Zarovich, the Blood Church would prove itself to be a force for good due to their special brand of healing involving the miraculous Blood found deep beneath the land. This sustenance has proven to be a miracle due to its ability to heal all diseases and treat all wounds.
  After the death of the devil, Leo Dilisnya looked to spread his message of the healing blood of his church. Born from a fusion of religion and science, this dichotomy is seen through the Blood Churches devotion tot he miraculous substance found deep within the labyrinth and through the science of healing. This dichotomy is seen clearest in the Church Hunters who wear priest-like black and white garments and holy shawls. Referred to as 'elementary doctors,' those of the black robes are considered the most basic of the Church Hunters. They practice early prevention techniques, rooting out and disposing of those infected by the Scourge before it is too late. Those of the white robes are viewed as doctors and specialists, and often are seen as more sophisticated and superior.
  Church nuns were chosen for their merits as vessels for blood, and groomed as Blood Saints. The mere chance of being treated with their blood has lent to the legitimacy of the Blood Church and communion. These nuns who received the healing blood now provide their good blood to the citizens of Barovia inflected with illnesses. These acts have earned the peoples trust and admiration, and the teachings of the Blood Church has quickly become the new way of life in Barovia. Though the church is still in its infancy, these acts have lent to the rapid growth of its its power and influence.
  The spread of beasts and The Scourge created during the reign of the Devil, however, continues to be a problem to this day. This has not only been a thorn in the side of the church, but also a danger to lives of all Barovian's. This galvanized Rudolph Van Richten into becoming the first of the Hunters, men and woman who lead the crusade against the dark beasts. VIicar Leo Dilisnya would go on to help create the first of the hunter workshops within the healing church in an effort to aid Rudolph in purging the Scourge from Barovia. This workshop would be used in the creation of the weapons and tools hunters would use in their hunts, along with training of future hunters, most interestingly his daughter Yarmilla would go on to become the first of the specific Blood Church hunters.
  Yarmilla has become a beloved figure in the eyes of Barovia. She is seen not only as a bastion of faith and purity, but also seen as a holy blade to cut through the long nights. She has inspired many Barovian citizens to join the efforts of hunting.


The church is split into three factions: the Radiant Order the Enclave and the Choir. The Hunters Church are considered the backbone of the Radiant Order.


Vicar: Leader of the Church.
Choir: An elite group of scholars within the church, comprised of the highest ranking members of the organization. Consists of mostly scholars, doctors, hunters, and clerics.
Church Hunters: Hunters dedicated and ordained by the church. Consists of two different ranks, denoted by which colored robes they wear.
Blood Saint: Nuns chosen for their merit as vessels for blood.
Executioners: Powerful group of Hunters with heavy connections to the Blood Church.
Tomb Explorers: Hunters who specialize in exploring the old tombs buried undeath Barovia.

Cosmological Views

Those of the Blood Church seek to not only to heal the populace, but to also help humanity continue to evolve and grow stronger then the monsters that haunt the world.

Tenets of Faith

While it is unsure of whether or not this is an official tenant of the church, many devout high ranking individuals within the church practice oedipism.

We are born by the blood, made men by the blood, our eyes are yet to open

Founding Date
Religious, Organised Religion
Training Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members

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