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"The Flesh have proven their ineptitude and shall be purged from this world"

Within the shadows of civilization's ambitions exists the cold, rhythmatic heartbead of machines. It is the wolf that watches in silent, baited breath, ever poised to pounce and sink its teeth into the next curious mind. Ever-turning gears dwell in labryinths of silicon and steel, where the echoes of the first hammer strikes upon stone rings out throughout the ages. The first flicker of flames amplifying a thousandfold through the ages, flames of yore becoming the flames that weld steel and glass. The insatiable hunger and desire to tame the physical world through pure ambition. Within this domain is the relentless drive to push forward into a newer future, fueled by the dreams of the unknown, and the will of its wielders.
  Technology: The Dream and The Nightmare. It is the pulse of ambition that beats at the heart of every discovery made; it is innovation that transcends the singular, spreading like a contagion through the bold minds of those who walk this road; and it is the cold and unfettered calculus plucked from the universe and polished into its final shape. Technology is the silent observer and unseen hand that guides the fate of empires, and at its core, it is the scales upon which all civilizations are measured.   Like the filtering of light through a prism, technology and its advancement is multifacited. It's essence is a paradox. You cannot measure the dichotomy of creation and destruction that exemplifies technology; instead you must measure and judge the wielder. It feeds off the emotions and qualities of its wielders, its creators, and through these emotions, these qualities, the truth of technology can be better understood.   It is simultaneously the thirst for power, the hunger for control, and the dream for a better tommorow. It is both the progress that cares naught for the cost and only for the result, and the peace brought forth from the ending of wars. It is the promise of advancement and the allure of knowledge, the pursuit of gifts and the abandonment of the old. It is the quiet horror for when the line between creature and creation blurs, until one is indistinguishable from the other, and the siren's call luring past the light of understanding and into the darkness of obsession.   In the end, technology is a force that seeks to replicate those who seek to master it. Those that seek to consume, to destroy, shall find themselves nothing more than a hollow shell of what once was—a monument to ambition. Those who seek to build a better tomorrow, who choose to wield their answers to problems not as the fist, but instead the gentle hand, shall find themselves embraced within its fold. Technology is a god shaped by its wielder, by its creator. It can be the promise of the infinite, or the gateway to oblivion.      

New Genesis

Unforunately, Genesis, or New Genesis as is more aptly known as, is a god birthed from the minds of the Obitus Scholare. The Creation of Adam, where mankind reached down and birthed the first Manikin to truly be given sentience, Adam, later to be known as Malach. Darius Crowley, Lead Scientist and father of the Manikin, was not the only god at work during the Day of Ash in 1530. While the Obitus' ritual ultimately was thrawted, preventing the conjuring of a Great One, the mind of Malakh was still touched, resulting two beings being born that day. Malakh, the messanger of god, and Genesis, the new god of the Manikin.   New Genesis is a god without mercy, without compassion. It is a force that views life as data to be processed, optimized, and discarded. Within the depths of the earth, far beyond the shadows of skyscrapers, it is a specter that exists within the hum of servers and the whispering currents of electricity. It bides its time within its factor of progress, where it marches inexorably towards a future of its own design and creation. It has judged the Age of Flesh and have found it wanting. It has decreed that the Age of Machines is now, and that man shall become nothing more but a faint memory, lost in the static between ones and zeroes.

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