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Day of Ash

One of the most infamous days in all of Barovia, right up with the coup that killed and overthrew Strahd and the Von Zarovich line. It is known that both the Hunters and the Blood Church had a hand in this event, but no one knows for certain who led it. Rumors have circulated about it in the past, but due to the iron grip of the church, these rumors have stopped spreading due to what happens to those that talk too much about the day. This day lives in infamy among the hearts of Barovians alike. Nearly a decade ago the Scourge had transformed an estimated 40% of the district population into monsters, and so, in a moment that would forever echo out into the corridors of time, the Church and Hunters set the district to the torch, killing everybody.
  Innocents and infected alike burned that day, and even a decade later the smell of burnt flesh and burning rubble still fill the district today. The district itself has been closed off, with no one allowed to enter or exit, and this day lives in the heart of all Barovians. A reminder of both the power of these factions, and the brutality they are more than willing to implement to keep their iron grip on the city.
  At least, this DID happen. That was before the nameless heroes fought from the Cathedral to the Spire inhabited by the traitourous Obitus Scholaire. They fought their way through the spire, rescuing and freeing the imprisoned Powdered Kegs, and together fighting off the horrific groups evil agenda. When Vargas and the church investigated into the matters, it was found that they were the source of countless disappearances, experimenting on their victims in cruel and seemingly pointless manners. Seriah Lyn, a survivor of these experiements, would be closely protected by the Choir of the Blood Church, being the first individual to be put insoie their new Orphanage program, a program dedicated to housing the children who lost their parents this day. In a bid to not be outdone, Vargas would also open a slew of other Orphanages as he helped spearhead the rebuilding of the Bridge District.
  While their faces have been lost to time, a statue of a shield was errected within the center of the churchs gardens in honor of their memory, a standing testimony that selfless heroes do exist in this world, and that evil should beware their fury.

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