Chapter 8 - At the Dawngate

Blood and Riddles

Deeper into the subterranean caverns, the party encountered increasingly perilous obstacles. The path forward was blocked by a treacherous river of acrid liquid that hissed and burned everything it touched. It was then that Tanor Thirr , a strange and deformed arachnid-like creature, revealed himself, offering assistance in exchange for solving riddles.    
There is something I seek.
While it is bound, it chooses kings and peasants.
When it is freed, it foretells war or woe.
While it bound, it propels men's lusts and furies.
When it is freed, it tumbles, falls, and fades.
While it is bound, life will often thrive.
When it is freed, death will often follow.
What do I seek?
- Tanor Thirr's Riddle

  With quick thinking, clever answers, and a sacrifice of blood by Thuldor Ironbreaker , the party successfully navigated Tanor Thirr's challenges, earning passage across a precarious silken bridge to a chamber dedicated to the trickster goddess Lolth. Within this chamber stood an ornate statue adorned with four clay bowls, each marked with glyphs of arcane significance.   Through sacrifice and offering, including blood, silk, venom, and the necrotic essence within Robert's veins, the party unlocked the secrets of the shrine. With a resounding click, the shrine parted, revealing the hidden lair of the Priestess and the long sought-after Dawngate. Few words passed between the drider priestess Olorae before battle ensued and a killing blow was dealt to the guardian of the Dawngate.

The Priestess's Lair

In the aftermath of the battle with the drider priestess Olorae, a tense silence settled over the party as they stood before the now-empowered Dawngate. Whispers of guidance from Lyandria and the mystical influence of the Bronzetooth Dagger in Robert's hand seemed to imbue them with a newfound sense of purpose.   With a decisive act, Robert Paulson unleashed the arcane energy stored within him, triggering a cataclysmic reaction within the Dawngate. The very fabric of the demiplane seemed to recoil, drawn towards the portal like a powerful vortex pulling everything into its grasp.   In a blinding flash of light, the party found themselves abruptly torn from the darkness of the demiplane, their senses reeling as they were thrust back into the familiar surroundings of the ruined Falkovnian outpost. The air was thick with the scent of scorched earth and lingering magic, and the echoes of their recent ordeal still rang in their ears.

A Return to Falkovnia

The disorienting thrumming in their minds subside, witnessing a scene of liberation unfolding before them. The once-imprisoned Shadow Fey of Dumah's Tribe stand tall, their faces alight with newfound freedom as they emerge from the confines of their captivity. It is a moment of triumph, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.   But amidst the celebration, a sudden and unexpected occurrence shakes the party to its core. The dark essence that formed Magnus, the pseudodragon familiar conjured in the demiplane, begins to stir with an unsettling energy. With a surge of power, it tears the blood crystal from Suol's brow, unleashing a flood of memories that cascade through his mind like a torrential downpour.   In an instant, Suol is consumed by visions of pain and suffering, his consciousness transported back to the horrors of his captivity. He recalls the sinister forms of Duhma and Ki'Ari looming over him, their once-beautiful visages twisted into grotesque and alien shapes. Memories of torture and coercion flood his senses, each recollection more nightmarish than the last.  
  And amidst the chaos of his fractured memories, a singular truth emerges: the name bestowed upon him by his cruel captors, the Wyrmspawn, a chilling reminder of the dehumanization he endured at their hands.   As Suol grapples with the weight of his past, the party stands by in stunned silence, grappling with the revelation of his harrowing ordeal. It is a sobering reminder of the darkness that lurks within the hearts of men—and of the strength it takes to overcome it.

The Enemy Revieled

The illusion crafted by Duhma shattered before thier eyes, the horrifying truth of their surroundings became starkly apparent. Dozens of hideous Mindflayers stood amidst the chaos, their tentacled forms feasting upon the Falkovnian refugees they had entrusted to their care. The scene was one of abject horror, a nightmarish tableau of death and despair.   But even more chilling was the sight of Robert Paulson , his body now transformed into a grotesque amalgamation of draconic sinew, entwined with the nightmarish bramble of the symbiote Lyandria . The entity now controlling him thanked the party for its release before vanishing through a portal, leaving behind only echoes of its malevolent presence.   As the distant sound of a war horn heralded the approach of the Falkovnian army, the party knew that they had little time to spare. With no other options left, they made the decision to flee into the nearby Vigila Forest, seeking refuge amidst the dense foliage and shadows that shrouded its depths.