Robert Paulson

The Tragic Hero

  Robert Paulson, once a living soldier among the Mist, met his tragic end in the depths beneath the Hatzimvas Hospital . Tasked with investigating the dissappearance of Gerrick Henninger within the underground laboratories of Vjorn Horstman , Robert ventured forth with his sword in hand, prepared to face whatever darkness lurked below.   As he delved deeper into the labyrinthine corridors, he encountered the twisted creations of forbidden experiments gone awry - zombie hounds, their feral snarls echoing through the cold, damp halls. Despite his skill in combat, Sir Robert found himself overwhelmed by the relentless onslaught of the undead beasts.   In the final moments of his valiant struggle, as the jaws of the zombie hounds closed in around him, fate intervened in a burst of unexpected magic. A dormant dragon egg, hidden within the depths of the laboratory, erupted with mystical energy, enveloping Robert in its transformative power.   Emerging from the chaos of death and magic, Robert found himself reborn as one of the sentient undead. Though his body had been restored, his soul remained tethered to the darkness that had claimed him. Determined to resist the darker urges that now gnawed at his consciousness, Robert struggled against the insidious whispers that echoed within his mind.   Yet, despite his efforts to maintain his humanity, the malevolent influence of the dark enitty proved too potent to resist. Slowly but surely, its corrupting influence seeped into Robert's very being, twisting his thoughts and desires to suit its own sinister agenda.   In a moment of despair and weakness, Robert succumbed to the dark allure of the darkness, allowing the malevolent entity to take control of his flesh. Now, his once noble form is a vessel for the wicked will of the Dark One, his every action dictated by the insatiable hunger and cruelty of the evil draconic entity that now holds dominion over him.   Though Robert Paulson's body may walk the earth once more, it is no longer his own. Bound to the will of the Dark One, he has become a fearsome instrument of destruction, a fallen knight consumed by darkness and driven by an insatiable thirst for power and flesh.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

His name hasn’t always been Robert Paulson. Before his brother’s death, his given name was Demetri Reldkasen, eldest son of Baron Dreevas and Lady Karimana who governed the port city of Martira Bay located on the The Jagged Coast in the Northwestern end of Darkon . They served the Lord of Darkon Azalin, an extremely powerful mage that ruled with an iron fist and a velvet glove. Many of the aristocracy were given leeway to rule as they saw fit as long as they demonstrated unwavering loyalty to Azalin. But as his father would discover, even the slightest trespasses were met with extreme rebuke. His mother discovered that Demetri's father was embezzling from the coffers to maintain an exorbitant lifestyle of drink, gambling and whores. To save the rest of the family, she betrayed his father to Azalin, and he was promptly put to death. Lady Karimana was then named Baroness Karimana and installed into power within Martira Bay. Lord Azalin also began to frequent the city, spending greater amounts of time with her.   As Demetri grew older, it was expected that he and his brothers, Brom Reldkasen and Hugo Reldkasen, would serve in some way to Darkon and Lord Azalin. He was enlisted in the military due to his martial prowess. Brom showed magical aptitude and was schooled in the city of Il Aluk to the southeast of Martira Bay , and Hugo joined the Kargat, the secret police and spy network of Darkon.   With title and skill, he quickly rose within the ranks of the Darkonian military to Captain and given his own platoon of soldiers. Demetri claimed several victories against invading forces of Falkovnia and crushed several attempted rebellions with merciless force as is expected from one of the great houses of Darkon. Even General Janos Versi, a high ranking officer of the Darkonian military saw potential and took him under his tutelage.   Unfortunately, Demetri became complacent in his station and the privilege he's enjoyed his entire life. One night, an order came to collect and transport several individuals from the city of Il Aluk, his brother Brom among the names listed. Action was delayed, partially because the seeming lack of urgency around the order, but also due to the long night of whoring and drink, a trait passed on to him from your father.   Because of that delay, he did not arrive in time to save your charges from the Requiem, a catastrophic event that turned many of the citizens of Il Aluk into the undead which devoured any who survived the change. Il Aluk became the Necropolis , a city covered in a necrotic shroud that kills any living thing that enters it. In his shame, he went to his home in Martira Bay and confessed his guilt to his mother. In her grief, she proclaimed she had lost 2 sons that day and wished to never to see Demetri again. And so, he set out into the open road trying to escape his guilt and shame.   After the Requiem, it was discovered the Lord Azalin had disappeared and Darkon erupted into civil war as factions vied for power. The six regions of the Domain become as independent states, sometimes working in concert and sometimes not. On the road, a group of bandits attempted to rob Demetri of your coin and food, a mistake they would be unable to make again. As the last one lay dying at your feet, he asked him his name.   In a dying breath, the man uttered "Robert Paulson."
Circumstances of Death
Devoured by undead hounds
Place of Death