Ezmerelda d’Avenir

Monster Hunter

  Born Ezmerelda Radanavich but preferring the name Ez, this young wanderer first encountered monsters among her manipulative family, who posed as Vistani to prey upon travelers. Eventually, they kidnapped Erasmus van Richten and sold him to his death at the hands of the vampire Baron Metus. In the brief time she knew him, Ez befriended Erasmus and heard him speak lovingly of a different sort of family than the one she knew. When Erasmus’s father, Rudolph van Richten, tracked her family down and delivered her mother to justice, Ez didn’t stop him.   In the years that followed, Ez joined a Vistani band, adopted the name Ez d’Avenir, and traveled far but never found the belonging Erasmus described. Eventually she sought out someone she knew could tell her more: Rudolph van Richten. After a wary introduction, Ez met van Richten and studied with him for a time, learning all she could of hunting deadly creatures. Although her and Rudolph’s personalities clashed, Ez was surprised to reconnect with Erasmus, now a ghost. She and the spirit renewed their friendship and ultimately discovered paths beyond Rudolph van Richten’s obsession. Rather than let her relationship with the doctor turn sour, Ez departed Mordentshire to hunt evil and find a family on her own terms.   Since then, Ez has changed much, learning the ways of the Mists and replacing her leg with a splendid prosthetic after a werewolf attack. She hopes that her explorations and her old mentor’s wisdom eventually allow her to create a place that feels safe enough to call hom
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