Fleshless Forest

In the desolate deserts of Hazlan lies a haunting and eerie expanse known as the Fleshless Forest. Unlike any other woodland, this forest is devoid of the vibrant greenery and teeming wildlife typically found in such environments. Instead, every plant and creature within its borders is rendered in stone, frozen in eternal stillness as if captured in time.   As one ventures deeper into the heart of the Fleshless Forest, the air grows heavy with an unsettling stillness, broken only by the occasional whisper of wind through the petrified branches. The ground beneath one's feet is littered with stones, each one a grim reminder of the fate that befalls any living thing that dares to enter this cursed realm.   The trees that populate the Fleshless Forest rise tall and imposing, their gnarled branches twisted into grotesque shapes that loom like silent sentinels over the desolate landscape. Every leaf, every twig, every blade of grass is rendered in unyielding stone, devoid of life or vitality.   Even the creatures that once inhabited this cursed woodland now stand as motionless statues, their forms frozen in poses of perpetual petrification. Some appear to have been caught mid-flight, their stone wings outstretched as if in eternal flight, while others crouch low to the ground, their stony gazes fixed in eternal vigilance. There are however, large swarms of cockatrices that roam these stoney fields.   The cause of this eerie phenomenon remains a mystery, lost to the sands of time. Some whisper of a curse laid upon the land by ancient sorcery, while others speculate that the very earth itself rebels against the intrusion of the living. Whatever the truth may be, the Fleshless Forest stands as a chilling reminder of the dangers that lurk within the dark corners of @hazl, where even the most innocent of landscapes can become twisted and corrupted by dark forces beyond mortal comprehension.