Jean-Gaston Targét

Captain of the Watch

The proclaimed Captain of the Watch, Jean-Gaston cuts a commanding figure with his imposing stature and stern countenance. Adorned in ornate armor adorned with ostentatious embellishments, he carries himself with an air of superiority, his every movement exuding arrogance and entitlement.   A man consumed by his own lust for power and authority, Jean-Gaston Target rules over his domain with an iron fist, his corrupt influence extending like a malignant shadow over all who dare to cross his path. Behind his facade of authority lies a soul tainted by cruelty and malice, delighting in the suffering of others and reveling in acts of violence and oppression.
  With a twisted sense of justice, Jean-Gaston enforces his rule through fear and intimidation, his methods ruthless and unforgiving. Those who oppose him or dare to challenge his authority are swiftly met with swift and brutal punishment, their cries for mercy falling on deaf ears as he metes out his own twisted form of justice.   Driven by his insatiable thirst for power and dominance, Jean-Gaston Target manipulates and exploits those around him for his own gain, caring little for the lives he ruins or the suffering he inflicts. His corrupted soul knows no bounds, and his reign of terror casts a long and dark shadow over all who dwell within his domain.
Current Location
Jean-Gaston stat block
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