
The Cultural Center of the Core

Port-a-Lucine is the capital of Dementlieu and is considered something of a hotbed of both fashion and intrigue in the Core. It has several museums, an opera house, a grand library, and a theatre. All of these are considered among the most eminent institutions of their kind. The capital is also home to several boarding schools and many young men and women from wealthy families in Lamordia and @MOrare educated here before returning to their homelands. All the nobles of Dementlieu keep a residence within Port-a-Lucine, even if they do not live there normally. If they do not, they visit the town at least bi-weekly to keep up with the current rumors and movements behind the scenes, as well as take care of business. The ever-changing fashions of Dementlieu mean that many of these nobles have tailors and seamstresses on retainer, who live well in Port-a-Lucine, and whose job it is to keep track of the fashions and ensure that their employers are always appropriately attired.  


The Domain of Dementlieu , with its jewel city of Port-a-Lucine, operates under a unique system of governance led by a singular figure known as the Lord-Governor. This individual is elected by the aristocracy, who wield considerable influence and power within the domain. The Lord-Governor serves as the paramount authority, overseeing the administration and affairs of both the city and the wider domain.   Assisting the Lord-Governor in matters of governance and decision-making is the esteemed Council of Brilliance . Comprised of appointed officials selected for their expertise, wisdom, and influence within the community, the Council of Brilliance  acts as advisors to the Lord-Governor, providing counsel and guidance on matters of policy, diplomacy, and governance.   Together, the Lord-Governor and the Council of Brilliance  form the backbone of Dementlieu's governance, ensuring stability, order, and prosperity within the domain. Through their collective leadership and expertise, they navigate the complexities of politics and society, striving to uphold the values and interests of the aristocracy and the broader populace alike.


The weather only rarely reaches any sort of extreme, though rain is common especially in spring and autumn, while the temperatures are stable and rather comfortable. In winter, Dementlieu  only gets the lightest sprinkling of snow, while only the very heights of the summer season get uncomfortably warm.
Disadvantage on saving throws against Enchantment Spells

Articles under Port-a-Lucine