Juliette Saphir

Councilor of Diplomacy

Juliette Saphir's journey from personal tragedy to political prominence is both poignant and remarkable. The loss of her family in the Executioner's Campaign not only shaped her worldview but also fueled her drive for justice and revenge against the Falkovnian forces. Her deep-seated distrust and disdain for Falkovnians undoubtedly influenced her political trajectory in Dementlieu.   Serving under Josephine Chantreaux and later succeeding her demonstrates Juliette's adeptness in navigating Dementlieu's complex political landscape. Her role in constructing the Treaty of the Four Towers highlights her diplomatic skill and strategic thinking, forging alliances crucial for the defense and stability of the region.   As the Counciler of Diplomacy, Juliette's position as the second longest-serving member on the Council of Brilliance speaks to her experience, influence, and the trust placed in her by her peers. Her continued tenure suggests her effectiveness in maintaining diplomatic relations, negotiating agreements, and representing Dementlieu's interests on the international stage.  
"We must make certain that Drakov understands that if he sets foot in any of our territories, we will descend upon him with a darkness unlike anything witnessed before in these lands."
- Juliette Saphir to Ivana Boritsi, 729 BC
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