
Every night brings another glittering affair in Dementlieu, whose citizens live glamorous and exciting lives. They enjoy the finest clothes, elegant jewels, grand ballrooms-and most extravagantly, the Grand Masquerade hosted by Duchess Saidra d'Honaire every seventh day at her island estate. Everyone who is anyone attends the duchess’s balls, and everyone who longs to be someone tries to wrangle an invitation or sneak in uninvited.   Dementlieu is a rather flat and open country. The forests are small and sparse, and most of the countryside is grasslands, ideal for cattle. The lakes of the interior are shallow, though Pernaul Bay on the western coast has one of the largest and deepest natural harbors in the Core, with Sable Bay being slightly shallower. The weather only rarely reaches any sort of extreme, though rain is common especially in spring and autumn, while the temperatures are stable and rather comfortable. In winter, Dementlieu only gets the lightest sprinkling of snow, while only the very heights of the summer season get uncomfortably warm.  

Dark Lord

Saidra d'Honaire
Duchess D'Honair.png
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