Krigour's Last Will and Testament

Dear son,   As I pen these words, my heart weighs heavy with sorrow, knowing that I will not live to see you grow into the fine dwarf I know you will become. Fate, it seems, has dealt me a cruel hand, and my time in this world draws to a close far sooner than I ever imagined.   My son, I write to you now to impart upon you the history of a sacred artifact that has been in our family for generations: the magical pickaxe known as Stoneshaper. Crafted by the hands of our ancestors from the rarest of ores and imbued with powerful enchantments, Stoneshaper has served as both a tool and a symbol of our family's legacy for as long as memory serves.   With Stoneshaper in hand, our ancestors carved great halls from the heart of the mountains and shaped the very stones of our homeland. It is said that the pickaxe possesses a will of its own, guiding the hands of those who wield it to feats of unparalleled craftsmanship and skill.   But more than just a tool, Stoneshaper is a testament to the resilience and strength of our lineage. It has weathered countless battles and trials, each blow adding to its storied history and the legacy of those who came before us.   My son, it pains me to know that I will never see you wield Stoneshaper with your own hands, to watch as you continue the proud tradition of our family. But I pray that one day, when you are ready, you will take up the mantle of your ancestors and carry on the legacy that has been entrusted to you.   May Stoneshaper serve you well, my son, and may you wield it with honor and pride, knowing that you carry the hopes and dreams of generations past upon your shoulders.   With all my love, Your father, Kirgour Cragshaper