Stoneshaper, Pickaxe of Mining

As seen in
This pickaxe was found in an abandoned mine in Darkon behind a natural waterfall. The original owner, a Dwarf named Kirgour Cragshaper, lay long dead, legs shattered from an apparent fall. In a hastily crafted note, Kirgour expressed his sorrow he would never see his son grow up. He outlined the history of the pickaxe in his family and prayed his son would wield this family heirloom one day.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

This pickaxe was made exceptionally well. It is a Versatile weapon (d6/d8).   Siege Weapon: When striking an object or structure, this pickaxe deals double damage.   When wielded 2-handed and struck against a natural cavern wall, vibrations cause loose dust and rubble within 30’ of the strike to come loose. In addition, any creatures within range must make a Strength saving throw or lose their grasp of the wall (creatures with climb speed have advantage).   The Save DC is equal to 8+ Proficiency Mod + Str Mod.


Not much is known about the pickaxe expect it belongs to a dwarven family known as the Cragshapers.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Holder
Associated Quest
Return of Stoneshaper

Articles under Stoneshaper, Pickaxe of Mining

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