
Lekar, the capital of Falkovnia and the seat of power for the fearsome Vladeska Drakov , stands as a bastion of authority and militaristic might within the domain. With its imposing walls and strategic design, it commands respect and instills fear in equal measure among its inhabitants.   Populated by nearly 16,000 souls, Lekar is a sprawling urban center, bustling with activity yet shrouded in an atmosphere of subdued tension. Unlike its counterparts in Falkovnia , Lekar boasts a larger population of non-humans, adding to its cosmopolitan flavor amidst the authoritarian rule.   The soldiers and officers stationed within Lekar are acutely aware of their status under the ever-watchful eye of Vladeska Drakov . This knowledge manifests in a harsher enforcement of her laws, with punishment meted out swiftly and without mercy. As a result, nearly a quarter of the city lies in ruin and ashes, bearing the scars of past pogroms and retributions.   Despite its urban sprawl, Lekar is meticulously planned with defense in mind. Each district is walled off separately, ostensibly to fortify the city against external threats. However, these barriers often serve as tools of oppression, used by the soldiers to quarantine and detain segments of the civilian population deemed undesirable or rebellious.   Remarkably, Lekar has never fallen to enemy hands, a testament to its formidable defenses and the iron-fisted rule of @Vlad. Even in times of conflict, the city has remained unthreatened, its walls standing as an impregnable barrier against would-be invaders and the relentless dead.   Within this environment of authoritarian rule and military dominance, the citizens of Lekar navigate a precarious existence, their lives overshadowed by the ever-present specter of Drakov's regime. Yet, amidst the oppression and fear, whispers of dissent and rebellion linger, waiting for the right moment to ignite into open revolt.
Founding Date
690 BC
Characters in Location