Vladeska Drakov

Dark Lord of Falkovnia

Vladeska Drakov emerged as one of the many offspring of the infamous Dark Lord of Falkovnia , Vlad Drakov, born from clandestine liaisons. She inherited a natural talent for warfare and a ruthless streak akin to her father's. Outstripping most men in the Falkovnian army, she combined physical prowess with unyielding determination and vindictiveness, swiftly ascending the ranks to become one of her father's trusted officials. Despite her undeniable capabilities, Vlad's patriarchal views led him to belittle her repeatedly, citing her gender as a hindrance.   In response, Vladeska embarked on a relentless campaign, spanning decades, silently eliminating her male siblings to position herself as the sole contender for succession—the metaphorical "last man standing." When Lord Drakov fell ill and passed away in his bed, a fate he would have abhorred, Vladeska's claim to the throne remained unchallenged. Those who once shared her blood eventually comprehended the depths of her ruthlessness, leaving none to dispute her ascent to power.   Now reigning as queen, Vladeska rules Falkovnia with an iron fist reminiscent of her father's, maintaining control over her half-brother Mikhail Drakov, who serves as the Director of the Falkovnian Ministry of the Arcane. Her grip on power is as fierce as her determination to preserve it, solidifying her position as a formidable and feared leader.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Vladeska Drakov, the Dark Lord of Falkovnia, cuts an imposing figure with her commanding presence and formidable appearance. Her hair, as black as the feathers of a raven, cascades down to her shoulders, held in place by a silver crown fashioned in the likeness of falcon wings—a symbol of her authority and power. Standing tall at over six feet, she possesses broad shoulders and a robust, athletic build, exuding strength and resilience. Though the passage of time has left its mark upon her face, with lines etched by years of cunning and ambition, her body remains in peak physical condition. With a physique bordering on masculine, she emanates an aura of strength and determination, reflecting her unwavering resolve to maintain control over Falkovnia and secure her dominance over all who dare to oppose her.
Ruled Locations