Lucius Frederique

Lucius Frederique is a figure marked by tragedy and intellect, his life shaped by the perilous journey through the multiverse. A handsome tiefling with curling horns and eyes deep as the ocean, he has always been viewed with suspicion—an outsider even in realms accustomed to the strange and supernatural. Trained as an apprentice under a powerful wizard gifted in planar travel, Lucius once roamed the infinite expanse of realities, exploring strange worlds and learning the delicate threads that bind the planes together.   But all of that came crashing down when they ventured into the Domains of Dread, a place where even the most accomplished spellcasters find their magic unpredictable. Lucius and his mentor were trapped in Tepest, a land where superstition rules and the lines between monster and man are dangerously blurred. The local villagers, gripped by fear, saw Lucius as a demon, and his mentor, despite their efforts to hide their magical nature, was captured. In a horrifying display of ignorance and terror, the people of Tepest burned the wizard at the pyre, believing it a righteous act to rid the land of evil.   Lucius barely escaped with his life, the memory of the flames seared into his mind. Fleeing the zealous mobs, he eventually found refuge in the more cosmopolitan city of Port-a-Lucine, where reason and knowledge held more sway than superstition. There, he secured a position as a professor at the prestigious University of Dementlieu. His expertise in the multiverse, now tempered by the harsh lessons of the Domains of Dread, made him highly sought after. Wizards and mages alike come to him, desperate for any insight into how to escape the grip of the Mists.
  Though Lucius is outwardly composed and scholarly, the horrors he witnessed in Tepest have left deep scars. He is haunted by the loss of his mentor and the knowledge that no amount of planar expertise has yet allowed him to leave this cursed realm. Driven by the need to understand the nature of the Domains of Dread, he delves into ancient texts and forbidden magics, hoping one day to find a way out—if not for himself, then for those who seek his guidance. Yet, beneath his calm demeanor, there lingers the ever-present fear that, like his mentor, he may one day fall victim to the malevolent forces that govern this land.
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