Mikel Falcore

Kind of a Big Deal

  In the heart of Shepherds Town, Mayor Mikel Falcore casts a long shadow over the cobblestone streets and thatched-roof cottages, his presence looming large like a dark cloud over the tranquil village. As an elder statesman, Falcore wields his authority with an iron fist, ruling over the villagers with a mix of intimidation and cunning.   Though his years have brought him the wisdom of age, Falcore's arrogance knows no bounds. His portly figure speaks volumes of the comforts he enjoys, all at the expense of the hardworking villagers who toil day in and day out to eke out a meager existence in the shadow of the Mountains of Misery. Through exorbitant taxes and underhanded dealings, he has amassed wealth and power, fattening his coffers while the villagers struggle to make ends meet.   Despite his unpopularity among the common folk, Falcore's grip on power remains unchallenged, for most choose to placate his ambitions rather than risk his wrath. With a silver tongue and a penchant for manipulation, he weaves a web of deceit and intrigue, ensnaring those who dare to oppose him in a tangled web of lies and deceit.


Brittani Hartford


Towards Mikel Falcore


Mikel Falcore


Towards Brittani Hartford


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