
Morfenzi, once a bustling trade hub known for its pivotal role in the eastward trade from Falkovnia, now finds itself perched precariously on the edge of the Shadow Rift, its former prominence gradually waning with each passing day. Despite its decline in trade importance, Morfenzi retains a semblance of significance within Falkovnia, primarily due to its grim reputation as the epicenter of the nation's livestock industry.   The unsanitary conditions and rampant pollution contribute to a breeding ground for disease, with Morfenzi plagued by outbreaks due to its inadequate drainage systems struggling to cope with the volume of industrial waste. However, such concerns hold little sway over the local government, driven solely by the imperative of maintaining or increasing production at any cost.   Thus, Morfenzi exists as a stark juxtaposition of trade and industry against a backdrop of death and decay, its fortunes intertwined with the fate of Falkovnia's livestock, even as its once-thriving trade routes fade into obscurity.

Industry & Trade

Dubbed "Butcher's Burg" for its grisly trade, Morfenzi serves as the final destination for Falkovnia's livestock, where they meet their fate at one of the many abattoirs that punctuate the cityscape. The region surrounding Morfenzi boasts the finest livestock in all of Falkovnia and the Northern Core, ensuring a steady stream of animals destined for slaughter.   Yet, amidst the bustling trade and ritualistic customs, Morfenzi is shrouded in an ever-present aura of death and decay. The streets are perpetually clogged with mounds of dung and animal blood, while the acrid stench of tanneries permeates the air. Swarms of fat flies cloud the sky, a constant reminder of the city's macabre claim to fame.

Points of interest

The city's unique customs reflect its symbiotic relationship with the livestock trade. Each morning, residents bring out animal totems into the streets, a ritual aimed at ensuring the calmness of the animals en route to the slaughterhouse. At night, these totems are reverently returned to households, where they are positioned to placate the spirits of the departed animals.
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