Mound of the Worm

In the desolate reaches of Hazlan, there lies a vast and foreboding desert expanse known as the Mound of the Worm. Once a barren wasteland of shifting sands, this desolate landscape was forever altered when enormous mesas suddenly rose from beneath the earth's surface, towering over the desert like ancient titans awakened from slumber.   With the emergence of these colossal formations came the arrival of the Mound's most fearsome inhabitants: the massive purple worms that now roam its sandy depths. These gargantuan beasts, with their enormous size and insatiable hunger, burrow through the loose sands of Hazlan with ease, leaving behind vast tunnels in their wake.   The Mound of the Worm has earned its name due to the heavy concentration of these subterranean behemoths that call it home. Their presence looms over the desert like a shadow of dread, a constant reminder of the peril that lurks beneath the surface.   Loud noises, whether the clash of weapons or the roar of battle, serve as a siren call to the purple worms, drawing them forth from their hidden lairs to hunt for prey. Their sudden appearances have been known to disrupt underground battles and tear through subterranean cities in search of sustenance.   In response to this ever-present threat, the underground civilizations of the drow, the duergar, and the mind flayers have erected special wards around their settlements to deter the encroachment of these monstrous predators. These protective measures serve as a last line of defense against the relentless onslaught of the purple worms that prowl the Mound of the Worm.   Yet, for those bold enough to brave the dangers of this treacherous desert, the rewards can be great. Within the bodies of purple worms lie precious metals and gems, accumulated over centuries as they consume earth and rock and excrete valuable minerals. For treasure hunters willing to risk life and limb in pursuit of wealth, the Mound of the Worm offers a tantalizing opportunity to uncover untold riches hidden beneath the shifting sands of Hazlan 's deadliest desert.  


    In the shadowy depths of Hazlan , there lurks a fearsome and legendary creature known as Gravedrinker, an albino purple worm of unparalleled size and ferocity. Towering over its kin, this monstrous beast is a terrifying sight to behold, its pale form striking fear into the hearts of all who dare to cross its path.   For years, Gravedrinker wreaked havoc among the populace of Hazlan , its insatiable hunger driving it to rampage through villages and settlements, leaving destruction and death in its wake. Entire armies were swallowed whole by the colossal worm, their screams echoing through the night as they were consumed by its ravenous maw.
  But Gravedrinker's reign of terror came to an abrupt end when Eleni of Toyalis , the favored apprentice to Hazlik , the Darklord of Hazlan , intervened. Drawing upon her mastery of the school of Enchantment, Eleni of Toyalis used her formidable powers to take control of the monstrous creature, bending its will to her own.   Now, Gravedrinker serves as a fearsome weapon in Hazlik 's arsenal, a living testament to his complete dominance over Hazlan and its inhabitants. With the albino purple worm at her command, Eleni of Toyalis ensures that Hazlik 's rule remains unchallenged, for none dare to oppose a master who commands such a formidable creature.   But Gravedrinker is more than just a weapon of destruction; it is a symbol of the Darklord's power and authority, a living embodiment of the terror that he wields over the land. And as long as the albino purple worm roams the shadowy depths of Hazlan, the people of the domain know that their fate lies in the hands of their merciless ruler and his favored apprentice.  
Purple Worm stat block