
At the heart of Hazlan lies the Playas, once vibrant lakes now transformed into treacherous landscapes fraught with peril. Among the many hazards that dot these desolate expanses, two formations stand out: the Sinking Playa and the Mephetic Playa.  

Sinking Playa

  The Sinking Playa is a wasteland of shifting sands and hidden dangers, its surface marred by numerous quicksand pits that lie in wait to ensnare the unwary traveler. With each step, the ground threatens to give way beneath one's feet, pulling them into its sandy embrace with merciless efficiency.   Those unfortunate enough to fall victim to the Sinking Playa face a grim fate. Some succumb to the suffocating embrace of the quicksand, their struggles futile as they sink beneath the surface. Others become trapped, their bodies left to wither under the scorching sun or fall prey to any wandering horrors that may lurk within the desolate landscape.  

Mephetic Playa

  On the other hand, the Mephetic Playa presents a different kind of danger, as hazardous gases seep from the cracked and parched earth, poisoning the air and creating a toxic atmosphere that can prove lethal to those who dare to venture too close. These noxious fumes can induce dizziness, nausea, and disorientation, leaving travelers vulnerable to the myriad dangers that lurk within the Playas.   In addition to their toxic properties, the gases emitted by the Mephetic Playa have been known to produce other, more insidious effects, ranging from hallucinations to magical disturbances that warp reality itself. Those who dare to brave the foul miasma of the Mephetic Playa do so at their own peril, for the dangers that lie within are as unpredictable as they are deadly.   Together, the Sinking Playa and the Mephetic Playa serve as grim reminders of the harsh and unforgiving nature of Hazlan's landscape, where even the most innocuous of environments can conceal untold dangers and horrors beyond imagination.