
Silbervas, often hailed as the "Jewel of Falkovnia," stands as a serene oasis amidst the militaristic cities that dominate the domain. Nestled beside the tranquil waters of Lake Kriegvogel, this picturesque town boasts a population of 6,000 souls who depend upon the bountiful fishing grounds that lie just beyond its shores.   Unlike the imposing fortifications of other Falkovnian cities, Silbervas exudes a charm more reminiscent of the sophisticated architecture found in distant lands like Dementlieu  or Richemulot. While its walls remain thick and sturdy, they are not merely functional but also ornamental, painted a pristine white and adorned with intricate artistic crenelations that speak to the town's aesthetic sensibilities.   Silbervas, despite its serene beauty, harbors a dark secret within its midst: Silberkopf, the palace of Viktor Darkov, a place synonymous with terror and suffering. While the town's residents have grown adept at masking their unease, they cannot ignore the chilling screams that emanate from Drakov's palace, a grim reminder of the atrocities committed within its walls.
Included Locations
Falkovnian Crest 2.png

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