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Apatheia, Seventh Moon of Dunamis

Apatheia is one of seven bodies found orbiting the planet Dunamis , which occupies the third orbital path from the centre of the Echospace System. It is owned by the Gestalt Corpereum, who use it as their base of operations for creating their wide range of "Forgeborn" automata.


The moon of Apatheia has a largely rocky surface owing to its attunement to the element of earth, but is lacking in natural water sources. The occupying Gestalt Corporeum has built numerous bio-domes for their staff to live in, with transport networks to their various underground facilities.


The moon has a number of unusual life forms, but sentient life did not develop here. There are a number of dangerous apex predators, and at least one Lunar Dragon has made this moon its home, but the company has negotiated a truce with it to avoid conflict. As there is a lack of natural water on the planet, there is no water cycle and so the weather is a rather consistent, dry and dusty affair.


Because of the lack of a water cycle, the moon of Apatheia has a consistently dry climate. Outside of the controlled biomes, the moon can be extremely cold when it is furthest from the nearby fiery moon, Helios.

Fauna & Flora

Fey, Gem, Greatwyrm, Stellar dragons


Apatheia has long been regarded as a lifeless rock by the people of Dunamis, and so when the owner of the Gestalt Corporeum offered to take their manufacturing off-world to save the environment of Dunamis, the government was only too happy to sell him the deed (for a lucrative sum).


The moon largely serves as a base of operations for the Gestalt Corporeum, which provides housing for its employees. Because of this, there is nothing in the way of tourist attractions here - although wayward spelljammers do occasionally seem to enter its air bubble. It is not generally known why these ships stop here, but the government of Dunamis seems to turn a blind eye.
Planetoid / Moon
Location under

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