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Dunamis is a medium planet with a typical spherical shape, approximately 8000 miles in diameter, that is comprised primarily of the Earth element with a secondary water nature. Within the Echospace System it occupies the second orbital path from the system centre, approximately 230 million miles from it and 1210 million miles from the edge of the system.         Orbiting the planet are 7 moons of varying elemental compositions: Moon 1: less than dwarf planetoid (less than 800 miles diameter by a large margin), water element, no atmosphere, no life Moon 2: Tiny planetoid (around 1500 miles diameter), air element, breathable atmosphere, no life Moon 3: tiny planetoid (around 1500 miles diameter), air element, breathable atmosphere, non-sentient life Moon 4: less than dwarf planetoid (less than 800 miles diameter by a large margin), fire element, no atmosphere, settled sapient life Moon 5: small planetoid (around 3000 miles diameter), air element, breathable atmosphere, native sentient life Moon 6: Air Element, less than dwarf planetoid (less than 800 miles diameter by a large margin), toxic atmosphere, sentient life Moon 7: Earth element, less than dwarf planetoid (less than 800 miles diameter by a large margin), breathable atmosphere, unusual life


The planet's surface is comprised of about 60% land and 40% water. The land is divided into one major supercontinent with its surrounding 9 islands and 15 islets, and one smaller continent with its 11 islands and its 22 islets. After developing the technology required for sky ships and spelljammers, the surface dwellers put the technology to use to make entire floating cities where the more well-off citizens live, leaving the middle and lower classes on the cold and wet surface world. While floating cities may bring their own dangers, such as roaming dragons, they don't have to worry about the numerous threats the surface world must deal with.   Between the surface world and the inner ocean, there is a vast network of caverns and tunnels that formed its own ecosystem and various civilizations. This separate world, known as the Deep Roads or Netherhollows, has historically kept to itself, but since the advent of Spelljamming technology the surface dwellers started the Dunamic Republic by reaching out to their closest neighbours before reaching to the stars.   Dunamis has four main population centres on the surface world, known as the Four Pillars. Each of these is an immense metropolis with a towering spire within its reaches. These spires allow for the docking of the huge city-sized constructions that make up the tiers of the capital city, Hyperion. In an emergency, Hyperion can disconnect its saucers and migrate the population to any of the other pillars.    The four pillars are: Hyperion, a multi-tiered city in the east that houses the capital city, is the largest of the four pillars. It houses an incredibly diverse array of people, and is the city most likely to receive immigrants from other worlds. Despite its bustling nature, there is a huge economic gap between the city's most well-off citizens, and those who live in the poorest regions below the discs. The middle disc of the city shines a "heavenly light"  Krios, the city of the Ram, is a major population centre to the south that is best known for its mountainous regions and prize-winning goat herds. Because of its position in the mountains, it has an excellent view of the night sky and is a popular destination for star-gazers. It houses the planet's foremost stellar observatory. Iapetos, a coastal city in the west, often has beautiful weather and crisp, blue oceans. It is a popular vacation destination, although travel by land is often not recommended as creatures of mythic proportions are known to make the surrounding area their home. The locals regard Iapetos as the cradle of civilization, despite not being the capital. Koios, the northern-most city, can be found on the secondary continent of the planet. Whilst it is a part of the Dunamic Republic, its citizens largely favour autonomy and resent the republic as they feel as though they are under their thumb. The republic gives them a wide berth, but isn't afraid to pull them in line.


Both the outer surface and the inner ocean are teeming with unusual life, with an extremely high level of biodiversity. The surface world is largely cold and wet, which when combined with the inner ocean has lead to the Deep Roads being filled with an equal number of strange and unusual organisms.   Above Ground - 3 1 - humanoid [9] 91 - Triton 44 - Halfing 41 - Hadozee 45 - Halfling 88 - Tieflings  25 - Genasi 59 - Kobolds 68 - Loxodon 30 - Elves   20 - Elementals Izzet Weirds   10 - Dragons Stellar Dragons   15 - Beasts Awakened Dinosaurs       Below Ground - 2 Humanoids 4 53 - Humans 66 - Locathah 46 - Halflings 19 - Elves   Monstrosities - Kruthik

Ecosystem Cycles

The planet of Dunamis doesn't experience much change in its weather and so you can generally find yourself in a cold and wet climate most of the year. The floating cities of the rich and well-to-do surface dwellers typically have much better weather as they float above the clouds in cities that have their own climate management.

Localized Phenomena

The planet has a unique composition in that the core of the planet is itself a planetoid that is separated from the outer shell by a liquid-like ocean. As the inner core spins at a different speed to the outer shell, the ocean nearest the core can be quite turbulent.   Although not confirmed, it is theorised that the core of the planet is in fact a planet-sized elemental or other colossal being of unknowable strength that is currently lying dormant. Were the titan to ever awaken, it is said the world would be sundered as it hatched.


The climate on the surface of Dunamis is generally cold and wet with little changes, which pervades into the Deep Roads underneath. The cities that float above the clouds avoid most precipitation, having warmer, dryer climates with their own localised climate control systems.

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