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Originally created in a joint venture between the Gnomish and Dragonborn peoples of Kobol, Forgeborn are sentient automatons created for various purposes. Whilst they are very similar in nature, Forgeborn were built on the design of the Drakonforged whilst the Autognomes are considered a separate species that was created at a later time as the gnomes iterated and built on their original designs.   The design of the Dragonforged were sold to the Gestalt Corporeum, who are now the largest manufacturer of this automaton species. The design has been augmented into many more version each made for specific purposes, but the units are typically manufactured either with "draconic" or "humanoid" forms.   Drakonforged have a more dragonborn-like body shape, with dragon-like heads, knees that typically maintain a bent angle whilst standing, and clawed hands and feet. They also typically have a wider, more imposing frame, as they are typically used for physical labours or martial efforts.   The Anthroforged, however, tend to have slimmer frames with arms and legs that resemble that of humans. They typically stand a little shorter than the Drakonforged, with softer edges to their frame. Overall they are more slender and typically used for service or diplomatic roles.   Unique Forged types also exist, each made for specific purposes. While most Forged are made in large batches and have long unit numbers, these unique ones typically have a denominator of their class followed by numbers (such as seven of nine). Examples include those made as "blank slates" that can be changed between Drakonforged and Anthroforged states. These typically have removable faceplates and so can be changed between a more humanoid or draconic head, or perhaps that of other species. Behind these faceplates there is a void which contains their operating crystal, which emits lights that can be seen as glowing "eyes" when the plate is equipped.

Basic Information


Whilst exact anatomy may vary depending on which species the Forged unit is based on, they all typically share the same assortment of limbs - two arms, two legs and a head. Additional features, such as tails, may exist on some units, although this is uncommon.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Forged are made and are not capable of reproduction.

Growth Rate & Stages

As they are manufactured, they typically stay in the form they are created in, although they can be altered throughout their life as needs arise.

Ecology and Habitats

As they do not need to eat, sleep or breathe, The Forged can survive in most environments that are not physically destructive (such as fire worlds or the harshest of storms).

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Forged do not need to eat, although their bodies are capable of breaking down base metals that can be used for self-repair.


The Forged are made with specific programming and are designed to do a job. They are also typically equipped with a set of rules that they cannot break, although some people who have termed themselves "hackers" have taken to "freeing" The Forged from their life of service and breaking them from these rules.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Forged have historically been made for physical labour, as they were originally created to complete the dangerous mining of Adamant on Kobol. Whilst these more menial, physical tasks are still one of the primary uses of The Forged, some have been made with a more arcane knowledge in order to be used to pilot Spelljamming vessels in the Dunamic Defence Corps.

Average Intelligence

The Forged are only as intelligent as they have been programmed to. As they were not given an inherent wanderlust, they do not typically seek out to learn new things, but they have a great memory for recalling anything they do happen to learn. Units that have been "hacked" and freed from their limiters have been known to develop a yearning for knowledge.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Strangely for a unit that was originally constructed to work underground, The Forged are not all able to see in the dark and typically require an outside light source to see. This is particularly strange as the species they are based on, the dragonborn and gnomes, have excellent low- and no-light vision. It is generally considered that eyes are very complicated, and while the gnomish people are excellent inventors, they couldn't quite get eyes right.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Most Forged are given a unit number upon creation that is used to identify their make, model and batch. As this is a rather impersonal way of addressing someone, most other sentient species tend to confer them with nicknames, often resorting to simple mechanical names such as Gear, Bolt, Piston, Cam or Gasket.

Gender Ideals

The Forged are typically built with a "masculine" frame, although this is mostly because they do not have any need of typical sex characteristics, such a genitalia or breasts. They also do not have any culture of their own, and were not trained to have any notion of gender.

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