
Appearance: Ammeh is revered as a horrible, indescribable scaled beast, covered in blood and draped in a patchwork of armor. With beaming flaxen eyes, the beast secludes itself upon a bed of its own secretion: life essence. Bare emotion, piety, humanity itself adorns the beast's lair, collected by its brothers of life and death.   Personality: Considered to have little more than bestial intelligence, Ammeh lives a simple life. It rarely leaves its den in the center of the world, and only then to meet with its brothers Bakal and Astus to feed. It lives a solitary and confined life, reliant on its instinct to keep it alive and company. While it cares little for morality, its life is sustained by the sins of the mortals who worship the cycle. Every action against humanity is pleasant to the beast of hate.    History: Ammeh was once revered as the balance of humanity. His job was to consume the evils from the souls of man, transforming them into a neutral essence transmutable by his elder brother, Astus. Assisting him in this endeavor was Bakal, the End. He would nurture the souls of humanity, maturing their souls to allow Ammeh to harvest. However, an event unnatural occoured. One scholars have been unable to recover. One that has been sheltered from the prying eyes of humanity. One that they only know the conclusion of: Ammeh's current form.   Scorned by his followers and mother alike, Ammeh turned. He at once rejected humanity. He rejected his position. Every aspect of his being at once became suffered. He left his position. He bided his time in a nearby cavern. There, the scorned lizard became feral. He lost his status among the gods, his intelligence reverted. At once the man was transmuted, transformed by the brothers he once loved. He had become the Beast of Hate.     Relations: Always hated by the mother of protection, the Beast does not do much to maintain its relationships. He is unsightly. An ill reward for a life well-lived, according to the Wall. A life protected. If it was able, it would recluse itself even from the cycle it is necessary within. A beast denied the hunt, he is given each and every meal as a process through his brothers. Goaded by his brothers as well as his warring compatriots Cula and Ukhan, the Beast consumes on. The beast enshrouds itself in a tide of apathy.   Religious Code:  
  • Kill only for me. Curse all that you end in my name.
  • Promote immorality in the hearts of man.
  • At all costs, live long. You are cattle, yet unripened.
  • Do not disturb the cycle.
  • Undeath corrupts the soul. As I want it.


    Lvl.1 Blessing of Hate (lesser)

    The scorned beast provides to you the least of his strength. He finds in you a spark of corruption.


      Cycle of Hatred I: Gain the Rage barbarian class feature for rounds per day equal to half of your CON modifier.


      Rend Flesh (Refill 5): During a full round of attacks with a weapon or effect that deals piercing or slashing damage, you may reduce your damage by 3 damage dice. If you do, damage dealt this way instead inflicts bleed for its new damage and half of all relevant modifiers for 1d4+1 rounds. Bleed damage is dealt at the beginning of the target's turn, each turn until the condition ends.

    Lvl.2 Blessing of Hate (greater)

    The scaled menace continues to give you his support. He turns an eye to you in curiosity.


    Rend Flesh now includes all relevant modifiers, and is extended to 1d6+1 rounds.
    Cycle of Hatred II: Your Rage class feature has its length extended by rounds equal to your CON+level.
    Active Threaten (Su, Once per Day): You attempt to assert dominance over all creatures in 30 feet with a single shout. As a standard action, roll an Intimidate check to either demoralize, coerce, or influence all opponents.

    Lvl.3 The Forsaken's Chosen

    The Beast of Hate has chosen you, despite its apathy to mankind. You have provided it suitable sustinance in droves. It blesses you with all of its self-serving strength.


      Unending Scorn: Cycle of Hatred no longer fatigues or exhausts you. You may Rage for any number of rounds per day. When you activate your Rage, instead double all stat modifying bonuses to STR and CON from any source for the duration.    


      Consume Soul (Su, Refill 20): As the ultimate weapon of the Beast, you gain access to his strength. As a standard action, you may consume the soul of a being within 5 feet who has been deceased for no longer than 1 minute. For 1d4+1 rounds, you become empowered by your feast, gaining DR/- equal to the level of the creature consumed. You may exhume this soul early as a swift action, sending it directly to Ammeh, to fully restore your hit points.
    Titles: Devourer of Souls, The Beast of Hate   Alignment: Neutral Evil (NE)   Areas of Concern: Undead, Scorn, Luxury, Immorality   Domains: Charm, Evil, Scalykind, Trickery, War   Subdomains: Hatred (using Evil domain), Plague, Corruption, Venom, Deception, Espionage   Favored Weapon: Unarmed (gives Improved Unarmed Strike instead of a weapon proficiency, or a +1 to attack rolls with unarmed strikes if the target has Improved Unarmed Strike)   Symbol: A fresh wound, bleeding   Sacred Animal: Crocodile   Colors: Crimson