
Appearance: Bakal's true form is unknown, as most who claim to receive visions from it see little more than a vague, violet silhouette with an argent crown resting atop its form. Pale dots of yellow appear to take the appearance of eyes on his misty visage, complementing his creator-god brother Astus.   Personality: Passionate, but ever-distant, Bakal keeps himself present in his followers lives. Bakal remains an out-of-reach guiding hand for his flock. He does not tend to dabble in the specifics of his worshippers' lives, as his purpose is to nurture and grow the souls of his believers, not to care how they are growing (as long as they avoid destroying the souls of themselves or others). However, he has a deep belief in the idea of Fate, whether it be due to Cula's dabbling or that a predestined flock is easier to goad is unknown.     History: Created by the protector goddess Haurun alongside his two brothers, Bakal's existence within the pantheon was twofold: serve as the mediary between his brothers Astus and Ammeh, and guide the living on Ecil through long, fulfilling lives to feed the cycle. As long as he has been alive, he silently guided his souls to their ends, knowing that it would be for the harvester to consume. He thinks of it as less 'consuming' and closer to 'cleaning.'   From the event that changed the beast to what he is, Bakal saw little change in his own life. He cared little about the new face his brother had acquired, sheperding souls as he always has. While his brother is put off by it, he certainly was not.     Relations: To his family, he holds a similar level of distance to that of his followers. He never speaks to the beast nor his brother, but remains vigilant to attempt to stop feud between the two should need arise. He silently visits the den of the beast whenever Astus enters, knowing that blood boils between them. He holds deep respect to his mother, Haurun, even though he does not owe her his existence, only his purpose. While he is distant to Fate, he remains respectful for her. To him, she is the torch light that guides the masses idealogically. While he does not directly hate her rival Ukhan, Bakal finds his methods vague and rarely worthwhile.     Religious Code:
  • Accept the end, do not fear its approach.
  • Live fully, to the best of your ability.
  • Only forfeit one's life when it saves more.
  • Knowledge comes through life spent.
  • Respect all, especially your elders.
  Worshippers: Many common-folk worship the god of the end passively, as his tenets often follow natural law. Heirarchy of worship tends to be that of age (percentage-wise, not numerically), where the elderly are considered of higher order than those who listen to his teachings at a young age.  


Lvl.1 Entropy's Allure (lesser)

The god of the end welcomes another to the cycle. Through calmness approaching death, he offers his followers the means to live a fulfilling life.


  Cycle of The End I: Your pact with the Guide to the End gives you insight into the makings of the very world, strengthening your resolve. Gain a +2 to all Will saving throws. Instead gain a +4 if it is against a fear or compulsion effect.
Calming Comet: Changing damage for attacks or damaging spells to nonlethal instead provides a +2 to attack, damage, and/or spell DC, whichever is relevant. If you use Calming Comet, killing the target within 24 hours, or willingly allowing an ally to do so, will reduce your current Devotion and standing with your deity.



Lvl.2 Entropy's Allure (greater)

You begin to rely upon the god of entropy as he bestows unto you more of his gifts.


  Cycle of the End II: Instead gain a +2 to all saving throws. If this saving throw is against a spell or spell-like ability, instead gain a +4.   Calming Comet instead provides a variable bonus to attacks, damage, or damaging spells equal to your CHA+2 (minimum 4).      


  Void Smite (Su, Once per Day): As a full-round action, you may attack with the strength of the void. Calculate an attack with full BAB with the weapon of your choice. On a hit, instead of dealing damage, the target's magical abilities are sapped, locking all spells or spell-like abilities for one round.

Lvl.3 The End of All

With the guide's full trust, you walk towards the end a changed person. With newfound resolve, you begin towards the end of all things.


  Void Persistence: Whenever you would make a saving throw against a spell or spell-like ability, you may roll twice and take the higher result. This replaces Cycle of the End.
Void Smite now has the following effect: The target's spells and spell like abilities are temporarily transferred to you until the end of your next turn. You do not require material components without gold values to cast these spells.


  The Infinite Void (Su, Refill 20): As the final devout of the End are guided, you too find solace in the path. As a full round action, you may call upon the god of entropy to send to you his ultimate gift. The wisdom of the ancients becomes you. For 1d4 rounds, gain access to all spells (up to the level of spells a spellcaster of your player level could cast, up to 6th level spells) of one of the following spell lists: Wizard, Cleric, or Druid. Your god provides all verbal, somatic, and material spell costs for these spells.
Titles: The Unseen Guide, Calm, Death   Alignment: Neutral (NG, LN, N, CN, NE)   Areas of Concern: Realization through experience, Death, Contentedness   Domains: Death, Erosion, Community, Destruction, Dark Tapestry   Subdomains: Psychopomp, Education, Entropy (Replaces Erosion), Self-Realization, Thought, Stars   Favored Weapon: Ankus   Symbol: a spiraling violet comet   Sacred Animal: Rat   Colors: Violet and Eggshell