
Appearance: U'Khan takes the appearance of a massive draconic serpent with pale-grey scales and copper accent. Its appearance is similar to that of some proteans, with spikes that protrude from its back scales. U'Khan has spindly arms and an almost humanoid-shaped upper torso that coalesces into its serpentine lower body. It eternally slithers along the skies of the Bedlam, its body coiling and contorting with arrhythmic motion.   Personality: U'Khan mostly takes on the role of a silent observer. Its draconic countenance is usually coiled in an analyzing gaze at its surroundings. Its demeanor in conversation is calculating until its mind has been made, at which time he is privy to outbursts of strong emotion. Its anger, sadness, and comradery alike are equally boisterous and contagious. Through its intensity and sincerity, U'Khan's feeling tends to be persuasive.   History: In the early years after the Astral Travelers arrived at Ecil, the Badlands was a different place. While it may be nearly uninhabitable now, it was chaos incarnate during its early years. Before the travelers found their way to the area, a chaotic plane known as the Bedlam (referred to by Golarion historians to be The Seed of the Maelstrom as it has similar properties) collided with the Material. Draconic beings of all sorts ruled the stormy skies of the Bedlam, feeding off the chaotic energies of the air. It is said that U'Khan was born of this charged atmosphere and molded by its inhabitants. In time, U'Khan rose above and gained control over the realm. While the larger and more powerful dragons refused to become anyone's servant, those of lesser strength bowed their titanic necks to him. With his extraplanar strength, he was able to pull back the chaotic realm into a plane separate from the Material. This collision, even if short lived, was not without permanent consequence. The lands now known as the Badlands were found to be infertile, cracked wastelands with nary a blade of grass in sight. Strong dust storms frequently sweep away what little life clings to the surface. What does not kill those mad enough to live here will inevitably drive them to chaos. And U'Khan remains as its ruler.   The War of Minds is primarily an ideological one. Both Cula and U'Khan persuade their believers into the paths of their funding deities. Where Cula advises her devoted to follow the serene path of passive acceptance of death with the the through line of fate, U'Khan advises his people the teachings of the god of alchemy to teach his followers to be free-thinking and cling to life. There have, however, been holy wars fought by mortals on their behalf. Neither deity seems particularly against their followers ending lives to promote their benefactor.   Relations: Serving as the silent arbiter of the Bedlam, U'Khan is a figure that elicits division within the Revolution. U'Khan is aligned morally with Astus, god of shaping, and unconditionally from the universal protector Haurun, who keeps him and the goddess of fate from fighting. He receives the means to carry out the war from the god of alchemy, who fills humans with the desire to change. As the embodiment of emotion, U'Khan has been known to lash out at his enemies in a way fiercer than his contemporaries.    He gives homage to the beast of death Ammeh, but never visits nor willingly associates. Similarly, while the mother of protection Haurun selflessly provides him safety against Cula, U'Khan does not often visit. It finds the maiden dull and one-note in conversation, and not much to look at either. As for his benefactor, Astus is certainly U'Khan's closest relation. Astus is known to take visits to the seed of Maelstrom just to chat idly with it. The two have a surprisingly amiable relationship compared to his others. As for Bakal and Cula, U'Khan is diametrically opposed, but not unwilling to converse with. It finds their beliefs fascinating as if looking at how a lesser being would act.    Religious Code:
  • Drive yourself to uproarious revolt. 
  • Hide your true self only long enough to evaluate.
  • Take no orders from shepherds who would guide you to slaughter.
  • All decisions you come to must be your own.
  • Take revenge against those that deserve it.
Worshippers: As the premiere deity of the Badlands, many of the men of the wastes worship U'Khan in one way or another. Be it secondary to their beliefs or not, many find his worship a necessity, as his power over the land is absolute.
Titles: The Scavenger, The Dragonhorn, Scourge of the Badlands   Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (CN, TN, CG, CE)   Areas of Concern: The Bedlam, Emotion, The Mind's War, Proteans, Dragons   Domains: Chaos, Glory, Liberation, Scalykind, Travel   Subdomains: Protean, Freedom, Revolution, Dragon, Portal, Exploration   Favored Weapon: Flanged Whip   Symbol: A serpent twisted around a winged sword   Sacred Animal: Dragon   Colors: Gold and Copper inlaid