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Albrotte, the Mighty

The Last Jotun Emperor Hoshun (a.k.a. Fearbringer)

Albrotte the Mighty; though also commonly known as 'The Last Jotun Emperor,' was a cloud giant emperor of Ostoria who led a contingent of giants during The Worldbreaker Skirmish as part of the final events of the war fought between giants and dragon during the Ascension.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Albrotte was born in -1720 AS as Hoshun to a pair of lower noble cloud giants, with their names lost to time. He was the third of four children, having three brothers. Albrotte was raised within the noble household, though much of his parents efforts were spent on scheming against one another to control the house, instead being raised predominantly by his older brothers.    In the more structured system of Ostoria at the time, different types of giants more frequently interacting with one another, which led to Albrotte befriending a group of fire giants and storm giants skilled in military planning. Before being a century old, he was appointed as marshall of his families house. His fathers death in -1535 AS saw a succession crisis, which led to his families duchy being formally absorbed into the governing system of Ostoria, with his eldest brother being made that duke and Albrotte retaining his position of Marshall.   From -1506 to -1503 AS, Ostoria underwent a period of fringe territories breaking free from giant rule. The following year, Albrotte oversaw a period of reconquest where Ostorian forces retook lands that had undertaken rebellion, along with the subsequent administration that followed. In -1495 AS, Albrotte married his first of two wives, with which he would sire a daughter and a son over the next 30 years.    There was a long period of tranquility in the cloud giants life from -1409 to -1354 AS, despite the warlike nature of his profession. During this respite, he worked to raise his children more constructively than he had previously. In the later months of -1354 AS, a forced of Ostorian soldiers were mustered to force an enclave of dragons out of the central lands of Tila'thyu, including Albrotte in that number. During this engagement the Emperor of Ostoria; the storm giant Kathunur, the Skylord, was slain and caused a rift in Ostorias leadership known to giantkind as The Cloud Rift.    In this turmoil, Albrotte established an alliance of smaller houses and overthrew the previous dominance of storm giants over Ostoria. Shortly after, he would marry his second wife. Albrotte would oversee the rest of Ostorias existence, with his ultimate downfall coming after The Worldbreaker Skirmish in -1202 AS when he was slain by his children during their retreat from the Darastrix Isle.
Cloudy grey


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