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(a.k.a. The Cold Goddess)

Auril, also known as The Cold Goddess, The Frostmaiden, Icedawn, and the Goddess of Winter, is a fickle, vain, and evil deity, who is primarily venerated out of fear. The few among the Illuskans of the Great Glacier who worshiped her called her Saukuruk in their native tongue. She was additionally seen as being synonymous with the Queen of Air and Darkness by some communities of fey, such as those of the Shiverpine Forest in the Deep Wilds. However, after the Decline, the Queen of Air and Darkness was seen to be only impersonating Auril in order to retain followers on Kasetia.

Holy Books & Codes

The Codicil of White.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Six-pointed snowflake.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Auril's clergy is loosely organized, and the main goals of most followers are to intimidate common folk and make them venerate the Frostmaiden to avoid reprisals from her clergy, or to have them make donations to her church. Some of her powerful clerics accumulated impressive personal wealth in this manner, some of which they sacrificed as offerings to Auril. Her priests wear ice white robes with blue trim, and were easily identified by the dire warnings they proclaimed of the wrath of Auril come the winter. They were also known to cast cold-based spells, many of which were described in the Codicil of White.

Personality Characteristics


Auril is primarily concerned with making winters a cold and vicious season throughout the world. This can only be achieved through increasing her overall power as a celestial.


Contacts & Relations

Auril, along with Malar, Umberlee, and their superior Talos, is a member of the Wicked. Umberlee and Auril cooperated with some degree of confidence, while Malar and Auril despised each other.   Much of Auril's power was absorbed by Talos during the Decline, weakening the minor deity. Despite this, or perhaps as a result of it, Auril quietly siphoned power from the slumbering old one Yigka Tholith who was thought to watch over north Faerun. Chauntea and Auril are mortal enemies, but their followers really only encounter one another in the far northern or southern reaches of the world. Sune opposed Auril, as she blames her for the destruction of much that is beautiful. Auril is generally taken with a level of begrudging acceptance by The Nature Collective, perhaps moreso than any other member of The Wicked is afforded.

Family Ties

At one stage, Auril was in a relationship with Thrym, God of the frost giants. During that time she became the mother to the Empyrean daughter Nalkara.Auril still views Thrym as the most important member of the Ordning.
Divine Classification
Neutral Evil
Full blue
Sharp jagged ice spikes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light blue and white
Aligned Organization


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